Bin Laden Dead

Multiple news reports state that Obama will announced that Osama bin Laden is dead and the U.S. has the body.

To be updated when the details are announced.

This is a time of joy.

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Updates:  Obama gave his statement (my paraphrase):   U.S. killed bin Laden.  Week ago confirmed actionable intelligence.  Operation was today by U.S. forces on the ground.  After firefight killed bin Laden, and took custody of his body.  Pakistan cooperation “helped lead us to bin Laden.”

Further thoughts:  Not really a lot of detail revealed.  If we had “cooperation” of Pakistan it either was because the intelligence was so precise that Pakistan could not say no or warn him off, or the Pakistanis fed us the intelligence because they no longer needed to protect bin Laden or wanted something in exchange.

There will be plenty of people who will want to play politics with this and, as is happening widely on Twitter, are bragging that George Bush could not get bin Laden.  Tonight is not the time to respond to those who do such things.

This has been a long time coming, and enormous efforts and thousands of lives were lost.  That’s what we should remember.

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Tags: Terrorism