Rocket v. Rocket

Via The Muqata comes the video below of the Israeli Iron Dome system taking down a Kassam rocket fired from Gaza. 

The technology is not perfect, but it has taken down numerous Hamas rockets in the past few days:

The success of the Iron Dome missile defense system so far – eight interceptions including the system’s first one on Thursday night – has surprised even the air defense troops who have been training to operate the device for several months. Two batteries have been deployed thus far, one north of Be’er Sheva two weeks ago and one near Ashkelon last week.

While most of the media attention has been given to the visible interceptions made over Gaza, the system actually clicks into action automatically when any projectile is launched from Gaza toward Israel. The commanders of the Iron Dome batteries were therefore faced with making dozens of real-time decisions on whether or not to fire an intercepting missile.

And us? Missile defense is a fool’s errand, right?  Star Wars, and all that, right?

Update: Via Yaakov Lozowick comes this photo of a missile being fired from a built up area of Gaza:

If Israel were to return fire to the source using the same type of inaccurate rockets fired by Hamas, Israel would be accused of a war crime by the U.N. Human Rights Council and a wide range of “human rights” NGOs and academics.  In fact it is Hamas (just like Hezbollah in Lebanon) which commits the war crime by using civilians as human shields.

There is no effective remedy other than airstrikes which are more precise than return artillery fire.

So, of course, the Arab League wants the U.N. to impose a no-fly zone over Gaza.

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Tags: Israel, Terrorism