Enough Signatures For Recall of Sen. Robert Wirch (D-22) In Wisconsin

I don’t know if this is a sign that perhaps all the noise and fury from the Democrats and unions in Wisconsin does not reflect reality, but it is worth noting that Republicans have collected enough signatures to force a recall election in Senate District 22, Sen. Robert Wirch (D-Pleasant Prairie), as reported by JSOnline.

Wirch is in a district which Obama won by a large margin (16 pts) in 2008, so it’s hard to be optimistic about the prospects of the recall being successful.  But Scott Walker won the district by 6 points in 2010, so who knows.  Also, it has to be a good sign that there did not appear to be much trouble getting the signatures for a recall of a Democratic Senator in a heavily Democratic voting district. 

Anyone with local knowledge, please chime in in the comments or e-mail me.

Also, check out the Recall Wirch website.

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