There has been a lot of talk lately in the right-blogosphere about the importance of the upcoming Supreme Court election in Wisconsin, which is next week.
National unions and leftist groups have poured millions into attacking current Supreme Court Justice David Prosser, including a malicious advertisement accusing him of failing to properly investigate child abuse allegations 30 years ago. The victims in that case have come out against the ad and supported Prosser.
But the efforts in support of Prosser have been less than overwhelming. I never before have donated to Tea Party Express, but I am now because it is seeking to blanket the airwaves in Wisconsin this weekend with this excellent ad in support of Prosser:
Please join me in helping the effort. Donate here.
Update: Here is the plan:
We are buying every available airtime slot on Wisconsin TV – statewide – to run this ad. We need your help, urgently. With so little time we have to raise as much money as we can, so we can purchase this airtime for the TV ad. You can now donate to our Wisconsin State PAC.
And thanks to a commenter for this link to a National Review editorial:
Wisconsin supreme court justice David Prosser went to bed one night a respected former prosecutor, and woke up the next morning the target of a $3 million union-run smear campaign, falsely accused of being an enabler of pedophiles. That is what you get when you oppose the political machine that has been fleecing taxpayers in Wisconsin and elsewhere for a generation. Or, as in the case of Justice Prosser, when they suspect you might merely stand in their way and do your job.
And more shakedown letters are being circulated to businesses in Wisconsin (h/t @Iowahawk) via JSOnline:
Members of Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, have begun circulating letters to businesses in southeast Wisconsin, asking them to support workers’ rights by putting up a sign in their windows.
If businesses fail to comply, the letter says, “Failure to do so will leave us no choice but (to) do a public boycott of your business. And sorry, neutral means ‘no’ to those who work for the largest employer in the area and are union members.”
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Judge Sumi’s Mess
Strange What Gets Them Excited In Wisconsin
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Done! Did I miss "Hurdy Gurdy Man"?
Thanks for this. I hope he doesn't loose because our failure to support this man earlier. This assault has been telegraphed for months and we're only now getting involved? Shameful.
Just sent a portion of today's trading profits. It's a nice, sunny, profitable day!
BTW, Professor, OT a bit but Amazon has some arrangement whereby a blog gets a cut of the profit from orders placed at Amazon after the customer has clicked on Amazon's icon at the blog to navigate to its website.
I need to order some books for our kids and thought you had it on your blog, but I don't see it.
@LukeHandCool – there is a box in the left column you can click on. I really need to do a better job with such things. Also, here's the link,
Excellent! Hope all your readers go to Amazon through your blog! I think Breitbart's new book is available …
Done. And will forward the alert to my group.
Support for this ad has just been Instalaunched.
Thank you Glen Reynolds. WI needs all he help they can get.
Good news!
Great article on this "bench brawl" from the editors of National Review Online.
Read it. Donate. Encourage others to donate.
Done…didn't know who to donate to so haven't given any money yet. Walker and his forces really seem to be not up to the job of fighting the left. It is like they are surprised by the viciousness.
@Pierre – Just click on the link directly under the ad above.
It takes you to the 'donation' page.
Worked fine for me.
Just sent in my first, whopping $10. Poor as a a church mouse, but it could be even worse, so…
$100 sent. Thanks for the heads-up.
"It is like they are surprised by the viciousness."
They just weren't expecting a nation extremist left wing campaign to destroy there life's and livelihood.
did I miss Sand and Foam?
"The sun was going down behind a tattooed tree
And the simple act of an oar's stroke put
diamonds in the sea"
I just donated $50.
Done. Hope it works.
Donated $25. With kids, etc my finances are tight. But this is worth it.
Thank You for your contribution!
We appreciate your support.
Your transaction has been completed and we have sent you an email as notification.
The donation site has a 'Poor' rating on WOT (Web Of Trust). What the heck? Are the union trolls sophisticated enough to hammer the reputation of the donation site? Doubt it, but … why else?
This was linked as a related video.;=player_embedded. It's another reappropriation of that scene from Downfall in which Hitler receives bad news from the generals, but guess what — in this one, Hitler is Prosser. Could the effort to disparage him get more pathetic? The result is less a parody of Downfall than a parody of leftist tactics.
I sent an email to the national GOP HQ website yesterday asking where/who/how to support Prosser's reelection–got a canned response back saying (and I paraphrase), "Thanks for your email but we're too busy to answer individuals."
Of course, the Army of Davids come through again! Many thanks Professor J. I sent $50 but I'll probably send more, even though I'm bleeding cash right now (the car needs a new transmission). I'm a Hoosier watching the Dems down here play the same silly games and GOD am I sick of it.
Excuse me while I go sharpen my pitchfork tines…
Thanks for posting, Bill. We can be "An army of Davids" as Glenn Reynolds says. Just sent this to some friends:
In Wisconsin, on 5 April, there will be an election for a State Supreme Court Justice.
The opponents are (standing) Justice David Prosser, running against Joanne Kloppenberg.
At issue is whether the majority of the State Supreme Court in Wisconsin will be able to uphold Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's signed bill to force state employees to pay some fraction of their retirement and health care, and to limit collective bargaining rights.
Justice Prosser will likely uphold Walker's attempt to balance the Wisconsin budget, and limit public employee unions' influence.
Kloppenberg will almost undoubtedly vote to overturn Walker's signed bill and continue down the road to fiscal calamity.
"Wisconsin supreme court justice David Prosser went to bed one night a respected former prosecutor, and woke up the next morning the target of a $3 million union-run smear campaign, falsely accused of being an enabler of pedophiles. That is what you get when you oppose the political machine that has been fleecing taxpayers in Wisconsin and elsewhere for a generation. Or, as in the case of Justice Prosser, when they suspect you might merely stand in their way and do your job."
Throwing more and more money at public employee unions (particularly Teacher's Unions) does nothing to improve quality of education.
Just look at SAT scores today, as compared with 40 years ago, and compare education funding today with 40 years ago.
The link I provide above contains a link to a fund that will run TV ads to help reelect Justice Prosser.
I just sent them fifty bucks, even though I don't live in Wisconsin. I urge you to join me in helping to turn the tide and squash the union monster that is attempting to bankrupt this country.
(Disclaimer: I represent no one but myself, and I got nothing from anyone or any agency to send this message.)
Thanks for reading
$40. Finally something clearly worth supporting on the Wisconsin front. Another year or two of GOP head-in-sand and I'll be forced to go clear Tea Party.
I just donated and spread the word to my like thinking friends…
Donated $20.
Donated $20 – and I'm unemployed! 😉 If I can do this, anyone can. Sharing with all my friends.
"Members of Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, have begun circulating letters to businesses in southeast Wisconsin, asking them to support workers’ rights by putting up a sign in their windows."
These folks (union) give shakedown artists a bad name. Jesse and Al would not only threaten a boycott but want dollars under the table too. Many dollars.
I have been posting about this election & the election for Walker's old seat on my blog for weeks..yesterday Levin did 12 this..too little too late. The judge is gone & the unions will sucessfully recall many including maybe Walker. Also, as an active NY Tea Party participant since Day I it is disappointing to see that the TP can't pull off a two car funeral.
Where can I mail a check ?
@Fred. Go to link then click on homepage
Got a Safety Warning from Macafee on this site. COntributed anyway. Does anyone know how these warnings are generated?
Donated yesterday to this cause!
(When I tried to sign in, Google erased an extended comment which I don't have time to reconstruct.)
Gordon, I was unable to verify your assertion of a 'Poor' WOT rating for the donation site. Please post a hyperlink.
Frankly, I'm not that impressed with the ad you have here. Here is a link to a much better one, by a Wisconsin police officer.
Patrick Lucy just withdrew his support for Prosser. How will this effect the ad?