Count Frankula Joining New York Magazine

Frank Rich, one of the worst flame throwers at The NY Times (which is saying a lot) and a frequent subject of posts here, is leaving The Times to join New York Magazine:

Frank Rich is joining New York Magazine, beginning in June. Rich will be an essayist for the magazine, writing monthly on politics and culture, and will serve as an editor-at-large, editing a special monthly section anchored by his essay. He will also be a commentator on, engaging in regular dialogues on the news of the week.

“Frank Rich is a giant — a powerhouse critic of politics and culture, a rigorous thinker, a glorious stylist, a skeptic and optimist at the same time. There is just no one like him in American journalism,” said New York editor-in-chief Adam Moss. “He is also a friend. I have had the privilege to work with him for almost 25 years. Since the day I came to New York, I have hoped I could persuade him to join us here. I’m ecstatic that he will now be bringing his wisdom to our growing audience. This is a very big day for New York.”

What possibly could go wrong with Rich being let loose in a forum where he no longer will have a word limit restraining his attacks on Republicans, Conservatives, Tea Party supporters, and eveyone else in the cabal of what he views as the racist, hate-mongering, violent right-wing?

From my Frank Rich archives:

What is next for New York Magazine? Keith Olbermann?

While we’re on the subject, now that there is an opening at The NY Times for a columnist, hello?

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Tags: Frank Rich, NY Times