Mubarek Out

After yesterday’s speech by Hosni Mubarek, I noted: “Things will be interesting. I can’t imagine the situation will stay stable until September.”

Well I was right, although I didn’t predict Mubarek would resign the next day.

But it has happened, and now the military controls Egypt.

I repeat what I said yesterday, but in a different context:  “Things will be interesting. I can’t imagine the situation will stay stable until September.”

The reverberations will be felt throughout the Middle East, and not just with regard to the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty.

It will be interesting to see if the same standard will be applied by the Obama administration and the Europeans to Syria and Iran — change now (or yesterday) or else.

And once the shackles are removed from the Arab street, will it mean war or peace?

If I were the Israelis, I’d be dusting off the old Sinai tank battle maps and strategies, and calling on the veterans of the prior Sinai battles for wisdom.  Because at 3 a.m. there isn’t going to be any help.

Update:  I tweeted this yesterday regarding what was being broadcast over the loudspeakers during the anti-Murarek protests:

There is tremendous opportunity for the Egyptian people, but also tremendous risk.

* * * *

Screen shot of military officer delivering statement on Egyptian TV, thanking Mubarek, and stating that the military will issue further information on what is to happen next:

This may be the face of Egypt for the coming months.  And it could be worse.

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