Death Wishes Like It’s Party Time

I’m not sure if the various death wishes for Sarah Palin made on Twitter and Facebook, as a result of false accusations that Palin’s electoral target map caused the Tucson shooting, constitute death threats.  Saying you hope someone is killed seems to walk right up to the line, if not across it.

Screen shots of the death wish tweets are at Patterico, and a video montage is in my earlier post.  Here is one of the Facebook pages created just after the shooting:

What is most remarkable about these death wishes is that they were done in the open and often with the identity of the person not hidden.  The identities of the tweeters and the people who “liked” the Facebook pages were readily identifiable in many cases.

Why do these people, many of whom are professionals, feel no fear in expressing such death wishes in the open?

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Tags: Liberals, Nutroots, Sarah Palin, Twitter