The Manhattan Institute has launched a new website, Public Sector, Inc. The whole concept of the website is “dedicated to the preservation of the budgetary status quo in recession-ravaged state capitals and city halls throughout the country. This website is designed to illuminate the public sector problem and offer solutions for governmental reform in the broad public interest.” Needless to say, I owe much thanks to MI as I am certain I’ll be citing this source for months to come as the Christie, Corbett, Daniels, and Haley governorships take on the public sector unions! I suspect this resource is their Christmas gift to right-wingers.
Also, there is a viral video going around that does an exceptional job of explaining some of F.A. Hayek’s monumental work and happens to be pretty easy on the ears. “I’m in love with Hayek” will be on my playlist after Rudolph and Jingle Bells…
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Too bad Governor Brown won't be taking on the public sector unions in California. 🙁
That's a darling vid! Has she done more? Gotta love how the new counter-culture is about re-embracing classical liberalism. I had already planned on re-reading Hayek's Road on the road, when taking the bus back east end of year.
(Will the TSA even notice I'm not flying as a protest???)
Well, at least you can empirically describe how bad that is… :-/
And before this is all over, you will be rooting for the governors to be attacking the public sector police forces, public sector fire departments, public sector first responders, public sector teachers, public sector health departments, and public sector tax collectors.
While you are at it maybe you should be insisting on the governors to be attacking the social welfare billionaires who ride around in their chauffeur driven limousine to collect their government handouts?
Do you like paying Paris Hilton's taxes for her?
Ema Nymton
The LEFT – taking shit for being right since long before you were born.
Social Justice Poster of the year:
"The LEFT- taking shit for being right since long before you were born."
@ Ema,
If you want to illicit a response, you should make a coherent sentence first.
Kathleen McCaffrey
"If you want to illicit a response, you should make a coherent sentence first."
I am sorry. Did I type too fast for you to understand?
Ema Nymton
The LEFT – taking shit for being right since long before you were born.