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Leaving Work Early

Leaving Work Early

How many of you would have left an important work meeting with the excuse that you didn’t want to keep your wife (husband) waiting?

Only the boss would do that, right?

Isn’t that attitude part of the problem here?

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It's a 'Pedigree' problem.

In this case I think it's now apparent who is the 'boss' that relationship.   I can see the bumper stickers now… President Michelle Obama 2012

Honestly, it looked to me that he realized how awkward and diminutive he looked just standing there. The vibe I got was akin to bear-trap syndrome of chewing off arm to extricate self from situation. Somewhere, anywhere, but here would be better than just standing here. So, in a fanciful fit of panic, he bolted.

Anything would have been a good excuse, but using his wife he figured would come under less scrutiny, and even if criticized, would be better than the damage he took just… standing… there.

It affirms what I said during the 2008 campaign: Obama had no real interest in being President, he wanted to be a celebrity.

Sadly, I have been proven right.

As far as leaving for the Christmas Party, he also ditched the Israelis to eat dinner with his family, big D contributors to scoop poop …..

I thought he was jealous of Slick's popularity and used Michelle as an excuse.

Now that BJ Clinton has been re-instated as president, we can save taxpayers billions in travel, vacation and party costs by replacing Barry with a cardboard cutout.

We can also replace the teleprompters by playing recordings assembled by cutting and pasting previous comments into his typical formula of "unprecedented", "I, me, my", "it's Bush's fault", "hostage-taking Republicans".

Someone pointed out long ago that you could overlay every single picture of Obama posing for pictures with VIPs on top of each other and they are identical so why not just pose with a cardboard cutout? Now there is no downside to the cutout solution.

sort of runic rhyme | December 12, 2010 at 2:19 pm

Barry might want a "cutout solution"*, but this President owes it to us and the Office to face the people (and what is still an unpardonably partisan and favorably disposed press.)

Not that this citizen particularly wishes to see or listen to him.

*cardboard doll
excuse to duck out
national budget saving coupons for him to clip
intermediary to conceal his secret agenda
power pole switch for killing the cams
deeply discounted record, for Bush

@ Halestorm…….Obama is so ditzy that if he WAS caught in a beartrap he would have gnawed off three appendages before he got out of it!