Sick and Tired of Blogger Burnout Stories

Okay, blogging is tough.  We get it.  Great Grandma and Grandpa had it easy, with rotary phones and all (“You mean your Great Grandparents had a phone?”).

If I hear another blogger complain about blogger burnout, I’m going to scream:

I’m taking the evening off from blogging; I’m worn out. After a solid week off from work (Thanksgiving break), it took less than two days to wear me down again. It’s not my job so much but more of a “not enough hours in the day” thing. I’m back to running 12 solid hours every day and by the time I get home, this week anyway, I just want to collapse.

Let me guess, you worked the fields all day, so you don’t have the strength to push down on the keyboard with your bloodied, swollen fingers?

What’s next, a co-blogger to ease the burden of cutting and pasting cut-and-pasted blog posts from other similarly exhausted bloggers?

Haven’t you figured it out, there is only one original blog post which, like the source yeast at the Guinness brewery, has been kept alive for generations so that others may cut from and paste to it.

It’s not rocket science.

You obviously do not have what it takes to make it in this business.  Unlike me.

(Note: This post was edited from the original.)

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