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Election Day LIVE

Election Day LIVE

Welcome to our Live Event, which will run all day and night until results come in from the West Coast.

As results and local stories roll in, feel free to post the information.  The benefit of this feed is that by tonight we will be an army of hundreds of readers from around the country reporting in real time, far better than you will see on any television station or static blog page.

And if it is good news, we can celebrate together!

Log-In Update:  Log-in required again, otherwise I have to moderate each comment which will cause substantial delay.  You can use your OpenID (Google, Blogger, Yahoo, AOL, etc.), Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace usernames.  You also can leave more permanent comments in the usual Blogger comment section.

Special thanks to the following panelists who are helping out today:  Pat Austin of And So It Goes In Shreveport, Fuzzy Slippers of Fuzzy Logic, Sam Foster of Left Coast Rebel, Jesse Hathaway of Right Turns Only, Aaron Worthing of Allergic to Bullsh-t, Anne Leary of Backyard Conservative, and Twitterers Jennifer (of Cubachi), Sissy Willis (of Sisu), Kimberly Morin (of Examiner Boston), and Raging Red.

And of course, to the cast of thousands of you who can help us keeping track of events around the country.

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It's been two long, painful years, Prof. Let us hope and pray and restorative healing begins today!

God bless the Tea Party movement. Now let's get busy repealing the 17th Amendment and put these s.o.b.'s out of business!

Logged in for later but why am I blue lower case?

When I press "log in" I get an empty dialog box now.

South Carolina having heavy voter turnout in Charleston and Columbia.

Question for GOP–in the vent they really do have a good day. Same question as for the dog: "Now that you caught the bus, what are you going to do with it?"

I voted at noon in a precinct within (MO-6).

I signed in immediately with no wait time. At noon?! Only two others were in the booths voting when I got there. I asked how turnout had been. Two of the three poll workers did not respond. The one who did respond said she had anticipated a greater turnout.

It's only one anecdotal experience so I'd be careful extrapolating from it. However, it's disconcerting to read story after story about the "unprecedented enthusiasm gap" and yet when I get to the polls on lunch hour I walk right in with no wait. I do live in a fairly conservative district so hopefully if the turnout does turn out to be low, it will be because the apathetic Democrats are boycotting the elections.

In Maryland it is useless to vote. I did, but only Democrats win.

I voted in Hopewell Junction, part of NY-19 with no problem – a vast improvement over the debacle here on primary day!

I live in Alan Grayson's district in Florida, and I started the tea party in Ocala with a terrific gentleman who is a patriot. We have a very dedicated group of over 4,000 folks who have worked hard for the past 18 months. We're confident that the battle between the Devil and Daniel Webster will lead to a Webster victory and send the devil back to his cave. We will send Marco Rubio to congress and maybe the White House in a few years!

I have to be gone to a meeting for a little while when the polls close, but I will return!

Logged in but I can't comment in the live window. Directions, please?

Gee, O'Donnell was obliterated. Who saw that coming?

I am so glad the tea party has done so much good for Republicans. Without them, we would not be where we are. The question is: where do we go from here? I sincerely hope the tea party will consider that so many before us have overreached and we can agree to take the evidence for tonight that we must be moderate in both defeat and especially in victory. And by "moderate" I mean slow. We should pick the low hanging fruit first, keep the country in our camp, and show them that we will give them what they really want and they can trust us without having to worry about us doing too much. Don't duplicate the Democrat's debacle. I hope we can all agree on this.

I know it is late for everyone, just wanted to relate our story here in Alaska… woke to 4 inches of wet heavy snows with more falling all morning. Our little precinct was very busy, no booths empty when we walked in. More folks coming in as those who had voted left. The parking lot was almost full.

This is very unusual, especially for mid-terms election. For the hardy Alaskans, bad roads and snowfall didn't stop us! Now to finish watching to see just what harm princess Lisa has done to our state.