There is a lot which could be said about Joe Scarborough’s very personal and demeaning screed against Sarah Palin, but I’ll rest on this response:
“You are the Alan Colmes of MSNBC, and I mean no offense to Alan Colmes.”
On second thought, maybe I just insulted Alan Colmes. Sorry.
Update: Must read. The following was not written in reaction to Scarborough, but takes the Scarboroughs of the world apart, Is Sarah Palin Is Too Dumb To Be President?:
Whoever emerges as the winner of the 2012 GOP nomination is in reality in line to be Palinized. Painted as the next Republican too dumb to be president.
Is Sarah Palin dumb?
Of course not. What a dumb question. It’s also the wrong question. Who’s asking this question is a better question. And how dumb are they to be asking it? Or worse, dumber by simply asserting it as fact.
The only people who are dumb — really dumb — are those inside the Republican political-consultant complex who think that by nominating someone other than Governor Palin they will have a nominee capable of avoiding this particularly dumb fate.
The Republican nominee for president in 2012 is being prepared by the American liberal media to be presented as a woman — or man — who is too dumb to be president.
Prepared by the “American liberal media” to be presented as dumb? But it’s Joe Scarborough, who has nothing to do with the American liberal media.
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Joe Scarborough is not a conservative no matter how many times he says he is. The only thing I can take away from this is that Joe really didn't listen to Sarah Palin. She didn't take a swipe at Reagan. SP reveres Reagan. For Joe to mangle that up to a swipe, he had to have his genitals in a vise with Alan Colmes twisting hard.
Joe Scarborough is just sucking up to the Left which he tends to do on a depressingly regular basis. If brains were gunpowder, he couldn't propel a pop gun pellet more than 2 inches!
Didn't Joe Scarborough swoon for Obama, at least for a while, and why in his over-the-top histrionic bitchiness calling for the GOP to "man-up" (heh), did he only paraphrase Palin and not quote her verbatim?
He comes off as a coward bully mouthpiece for the dirty campaigning entitled types many of us want OUT of the GOP and government. His ad hominem says everything about him and nothing about his target, except that she has to endure or deal with yet another person's nasty projections.
I object to the demeaning references to quitting and being a half-term governor. Actions of the kind to which she was subjected are common enough to have their own acronym (SLAPP: Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation). In her case, the state of Alaska made the accused officeholder pay for his/her defense. That leftists with an axe to grind used this to their strategic advantage to harass her until her only financially viable option was to resign is a whole lot different from "quitting", which implies (to me) failure to complete a job without a valid reason.
By Joe Scarborough's (and that of many Palin haters) logic, Lou Gehrig "quit" playing baseball.
Joe Scarborough needs to clean out his ears (Sarah Palin mocked Reagan? Is he for real? Don't answer that.).
Frankly, the GOP needs to man up and tell Scarborough to shove it!
Just another talking head hacking away at a person that is more like mainstream America – while elitist POTUS plans to vacation yet again, next week, in Hawaii…recessions, unemployment, taxes, regulations, etc. etc are all for the little people.
Typo alert.
I am sure you meant to write: "But it's Joe Scarborough, who has everything to do with the American liberal media."
Since he is supposed to be the token, I have to wonder why NBC keeps him. For any value of "keeps".
Note Scarborough's epic dishonest in referring to Palin repeatedly as a "half-term" governor and calling her a quitter without ever once mentioning the more than two dozen frivolous lawsuits from left-wing activists that threatened to bankrupt her if she remained in office and distracted from her duties as governor.
From now on, just call MSDNC's house eunuch "Scumborough"
They'd be hard pressed to make MY candidate of choice look "dumb". The person I like better than anyone else for 2012 is Col. Allen West. He's no joke and he's certainly not dumb.
I keep hearing the mantra that she is not qualified to be President – where in the Constitution does it list anything but age and being a natural born citizen as qualifications for being President? The left does not get to define who is qualified – in fact common sense and not being a political animal with moneyed interests holding you hostage is the best candidate.
"Fox News: Sarah Palin is an idiot "
Doc Paul said…
I object to the demeaning references to quitting and being a half-term governor. Actions of the kind to which she was subjected are common enough to have their own acronym (SLAPP: Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation). In her case, the state of Alaska made the accused officeholder pay for his/her defense. That leftists with an axe to grind used this to their strategic advantage to harass her until her only financially viable option was to resign is a whole lot different from "quitting", which implies (to me) failure to complete a job without a valid reason.
By Joe Scarborough's (and that of many Palin haters) logic, Lou Gehrig "quit" playing baseball.
November 30, 2010 1:25 PM
If you're a Star Trek fan… you'll get the following analogy.
Sarah Palin, like Captain Kirk before her, passed the Kobayashi Maru by changing the rules of the game:
"For those of you who don’t know what the Kobayashi Maru is, let me explain. In the Star Trek universe it is an unwinnable test. It’s creator, Mr. Spock, designed it to test how Starfleet captains deal with failure and death. There is no right way to successfully navigate through it.
But cadet James Tiberius Kirk found a way to beat it. He rigged the computer simulation to allow him to complete the mission without killing his crew. Starfleet accused him of cheating, but Kirk’s response was simple, eloquent, and very revealing. “I don’t believe in the no-win scenario. I don’t like to lose.” Kirk didn’t change the strategy. He changed the rules."
"Palin was faced with her own Kobayashi Maru. How could she effectively govern the state of Alaska while facing ridiculous ethics charges and the scrutiny of the national media? How could she increase her exposure in the lower 48 while staying true to the people in Alaska who elected her? Perhaps if the wingnuts in Alaska didn’t stalk her with silly lawsuits she would have simply put her larger ambitions on the back burner and continued to do her job as governor. But it wasn’t meant to be. She was perfectly set up to fail. Her popularity in Alaska would decline. The national media would point to it as an indicator of her overall effectiveness. The Klingons…I mean the left, would have won.
But Palin defied them. She changed not her strategy, but the very rules. She resigned her position, turning the state over to her loyal Lieutenant Governor to continue the plans and policies she put into motion. Like any good story, it was an unexpected twist, yet when viewed in retrospect it was the only way it could play out."
Sarah Palin is Captain Kirk. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
Some of the following is tongue in cheek, but maybe it shouldn't be.
1. I won't risk supporting Palin for President unless conditions worsen drastically, but I have to acknowledge her tactical brilliance.
It's a bold move on her part to get Scarborough to write his ridiculous hit piece. The effect of his risible tripe is to crowd out legitimate criticisms of Palin, and to create an opening for proPalin talking points. Very very few politicians would have the guts to do something like that.
2. It becomes clear why Karl Rove disses Palin: he's jealous.
3. Meanwhile she uses the Internet to second-guess the administration: turning the Left's and Obama's own ploy against them.
4. If only I could believe that Palin would fill the office half as brilliantly as she is pursuing it.
5. I'm inclined to believe Boston University polisciprof Angelo Codevilla when he estimates that Obama's and Palin's SATs would not be fifty points apart. The claim, online and in the MSM, that she lacks the intelligence to be President is ridiculous.
6. Again, as usual, the Republican candidate is dumb? If the MSM cared about anything but helping the Left win the next election, they would beware lest they become the boy who cried wolf.
7. It remains true that too many Palin supporters–or saboteurs who claim to be supporters–are fanatical or thuggish, usually with the tacit acquiescence of the rest of her base.
George H.W. Bush is not "dumb." Reagan was a lot of things, but not "dumb." Gerald Ford, contrary to popular opinion, was anything but "dumb." Richard Nixon was most certainly not "dumb." In fact, he was extremely smart. Ike was not "dumb" by any reasonable measure.
Sarah Palin is dumb. George W. Bush is dumb. This is obvious. Scarborough, who is not the brightest bulb in the box, is smart enough to realize that if the GOP nomitaes another moron for president, they will lose. Period.
So, go ahead guys and keep up the infighting. It makes liberals like me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And gop ahead and dare to nominate yet another puppet-pretender-idiot for president. Please, go ahead. I you were smart, you'd think better.
The jig is up, people are starting to catch on to the grifter from Wasilla.
Correction to previous comment:
4. If only I could believe that Palin would fill the office half as brilliantly as she is pursuing it.
"as brilliantly as she is pursuing it." ->
"as brilliantly as she is pursuing the nomination and alternatives."
It is not clear whether Palin could win over centrist independents.
And an addendum:
8. So far Palin's activities do not siphon off Rush Limbaugh's radio audience. I suspect that both Limbaugh and Palin are highly aware of that. Therein lie potential indicators of her future plans.