Ithaca Falls and Fall Creek, a short walk from my house, on a typical gray Ithaca day. Not to worry, the Sun will come out in, oh, about six months.
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Nice. Is that a trout fisherman in the background?
I bet you won't be walking their in January.
But if you had lived in Ithaca as long as I have you would know that if you don't like the weather, you should wait five minutes. I'm looking at a beautiful sunny Sunday morning here on the south side of town. That said, I think I'm going to be prepping the plow and snowblower for the coming onslaught.
Deekaman said…"Nice. Is that a trout fisherman in the background?"
Nope. Cliff diver. Great photo.
@Deekaman, some sort of fisherman.
@Tazio – the clouds moved back in shortly after your post!
Sykes1, in January they go from beautiful to spectacular, and well worth the walk:
Beautiful. I left the Northeast in search of gentler weather, but I miss it every Autumn.
"William A. Jacobson said…
@Tazio – the clouds moved back in shortly after your post!"
See…you just had to wait 5 minutes!