It Is Not. Over. At all. In Reid v. Angle

Sharron Angle will not be able to match Harry Reid in fundraising, because Reid has used his position as Majority Leader to squeeze big dollars out of Big Pharma and Big Mass Tort Lawyers and all the other Bigs.

Reid’s campaign pockets are so full of cash from people thanking him for or seeking favors, that it’s a wonder he can walk.

So it is not surprising that Reid is showing strength in new polling. But Reid has not been able to move his numbers up beyond the low 40s. He is gaining by knocking Angle down. The just released Mason-Dixon poll puts Reid ahead 44-37. For the incumbant Majority Leader to be stuck at 44% says that Reid remains highly vulnerable, particularly if there is an enthusiasm gap on Election Day.

Angle, however, has had a good fundraising period since the primary. From her press release:

Once the primary race heated up in late May 2010, the Angle campaign saw an extraordinary spike in fundraising. Angle’s campaign received $54,546.11 per day through June 30, 2010, with an average gift equaling just $49. More than 46,000 people in Nevada and across America offered their financial support during the second quarter reporting period.

Key numbers:

Reid, of course, has a lot more money on hand. From TPM:

Sharron Angle, the Republican nominee for Senate in Nevada against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, has been raking in some serious cash since the lead-up to her primary win on June 8 — though she still lags far behind Reid in overall cash on hand….

However, her campaign has now announced that they’ve raised $2.29 million since then through the end of June, and now have zero debt.

Reid brought in less in that time, at only $1.2 million, with a total of $2.4 million for the whole second quarter, with no debt, according to numbers released by the campaign. Reid, however, still has a huge advantage in cash on hand: Reid $8.94 million, Angle $1.77 million, a 5-1 ratio in favor of Reid.

These are good numbers for Angle. She may not be able to match Reid, but she likely will have enough to be competitive in advertising.

Reid is spending enormous sums on advertising now to try to knock Angle down, while Angle has been conserving cash. That probably is a wise strategy for Angle, although she can’t wait too much longer to start hitting back at Reid.

Fortunately, Angle will have the support of outside groups to help narrow the money gap, and to go after Reid. But then again, Reid is a known quantity, and not well liked all things considered.

If Angle can stay close in the polls going into the fall, she will be well positioned, since Harry Reid is his own worst enemy.

Once people focus on what Democrats retaining control of Congress means, all the money in the world will not save Harry Reid.

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Tags: 2010 Election, Harry Reid, Sharron Angle