Harry Reid Will Push Agenda In Lame-Duck Session Even If He Loses

There is no better example of the hubris of Harry Reid than his stated intention last weekend at the Netroots convention to push through major agenda items in a lame-duck session (after the November 2 elections, but before the new Congress is seated in January).

Listen carefully to the opening dialogue in this video:

So, even if Harry Reid loses to Sharron Angle, and even if the Democrats lose control of the Senate (unlikely) or are in a severely weakend position (likely) as a result of the elections, Harry Reid will push forward.

This is similar to the threat Democrats made in the wake of the Scott Brown election, where they threatened to push a health care vote before Brown was seated.

Vote him out, and call his bluff.

Update:  The latest Rasmussen poll has Angle down 2 points to Reid, 45-43.  While some conservatives unfortunately are projecting doom and gloom, I am impressed with the fact that Angle is only down 2 points after a terrible first six weeks of the campaign, and that 48% of people still have a “very unfavorable” view of Reid.

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Tags: 2010 Election, Harry Reid, Sharron Angle