Charlie Crist Sued For Return of Donations – Copy of Complaint Here

A class action lawsuit has been filed in Florida against Charlie Crist and the Crist campaign seeking the return of donations made to Crist while he was running as a Republican. The attorney in the lawsuit, Thomas Grady, was a former regional chair for the Crist campaign, and is a Florida Republican legislator.

As reported by Naples News:

“Crist has made it clear that he believes a candidate should not say one thing and do another,” says the lawsuit, filed last week in Collier Circuit Court against Crist and his campaign, Charlie Crist for U.S. Senate. “… The parties agree with Crist.”

The lawsuit quotes Crist telling Fox News political news reporter Greta Van Susteren on March 9 that saying one thing and doing another is “perpetrating a fraud on people. … That’s not right. That’s not being honest and straightforward with the voters.”

The lawsuit then uses those words against Crist.

“Offering to receive, and accepting, the Republican contributions to his campaign for Senate as a Republican candidate, and then actually running against the Republican candidate without refunding the Republican contributions is not right,” the lawsuit says. “It also violates the law and has caused damages to thousands of donors …”

Morton, a Lely mother of four and school volunteer, and Rood are represented by Rep. Tom Grady, R-Naples, who resigned as regional chairman of Crist’s Senate campaign and his statewide finance team, citing their differing political views. Grady, who said he still valued their friendship, acknowledged it was Crist who had encouraged him to run for state House of Representatives.

Crist’s spokesman wasn’t available for comment Monday, but a campaign worker said no money had been returned.

Here is the Class Action Complaint:

Morton v Crist – Class Action Complaint

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