Get China To Boycott Arizona
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Get China To Boycott Arizona

Get China To Boycott Arizona

Also known as killing two birds with one stone.

We get to apologize to and beg forgiveness from China for the sin of Arizona seeking to enforce the U.S. immigration laws, thus satisfying the 11th Commandment, “thou shall apologize profusely.”

And, as the twofer, we get to outsource the boycott of Arizona, so that we can feel good about ourselves without having to give up vacations in Scottsdale, or trips to the Grand Canyon.

The only problem is that in order to get China to boycott Arizona, the President may have to get the Dali Lama to enter and exit the White House through the services entrance past the trash. I wonder if he will mind?

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"And, as the twofer, we get to outsource the boycott of Arizona, so that we can feel good about ourselves without having to give up vacations in Scottsdale, or trips to the Grand Canyon."

Geez, I have BOTH scheduled for this summer. Is there something else you would like to tell me? Should I cancel these trips now? I'm really looking forward to that rim-to-rim hike in the Grand Canyon.

This is just sickening.

Obama and the Dem.s are practically declaring an economic civil war on innocent business-people in AZ (not to mention all the fishermen, tourism workers, etc. losing their jobs because of Obama's dithering in the Oil Spill; TN families hurt by the Great Flood, etc.) simply because they support a law to protect their safety.

And what's next for the administration on the S+M Apology Tour? Apologizing to the new UN Commission on the Status of Women member Iran for our women's rights?

Maybe Obama will have the Army Corp of Engineers move the Grand Canyon to a "human rights compliant", pro illegal immigrant loving state(s)?

When I don't think the Obama administration can't do anything more infuriating, they come us with this. The US does NOT apologize to foreign countries for internal disagreements and it NEVER apologizes to totalarian dictatorships like China. The only thing I want to see is this yahoo being perp-walked out the door of the state department.

Americans should be apologizing to Honduras, the UK, Poland, and any other allies slighted for our current elected officials.