Probably the single biggest obstacle to Obamacare is House Democrats who do not like the Senate health care bill, but whose votes are needed to move the budget reconciliation process along.
The strategy appears to be for the House to pass the Senate bill as is, based on the promise of the budget reconciliation process being successful in the Senate to implement changes.
But what if the Senate does not or cannot pass the changes through the reconciliation process?
Obama then has to power to sign the bill as passed by the House and Senate, meaning the Senate bill.
Has Obama promised not to do so?
Here’s a list of Obama promises to the left-wing of the Democratic Party which have been broken, courtesy of Firedoglake: Senate Health Care Bill Is Built On Obama’s Broken Promises.
Here are some others, all from the left:
“I promise,” Obama apparently is saying.
Will Obama really pass up the historic opportunity to sign the Senate bill even if reconciliation doesn’t work out? Will Obama leave us to wander in the health care wilderness for another 40 years?
Don’t count on it. My prediction now is in pixels:
“If the House passes the Senate bill, Obama will sign the bill if reconciliation fails.”
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