Martha Coakley just returned from six days on vacation in the middle of a special election. Ever since the December 8 primary, Coakley has attempted to portray an air of inevitability, by seeming not to care about Scott Brown’s candidacy, refusing to debate him one-on-one, and by touting misleading fundraising numbers to make it seem as if money is pouring in (Martha, will you release your post-primary numbers?)
Welcome back from vacation. Your political house is on fire.
Brown has gone viral, is gaining support, and money really is pouring into his campaign, which is astounding because just three weeks ago he was relatively unknown. Three things have happened in the last three weeks to make this election competitive:
The best sign that Coakley knows she is in trouble is that she has gone negative, running television ads comparing Brown to George W. Bush. Just more proof that Coakley doesn’t get it. The blame Bush tactic worked last year but now people are blaming Obama and the Democrats in Congress. We have seen what a year of Democratic rule means, and people are scared that the wheels are falling off.
The political story of 2010? Martha Coakley’s political house caught fire while she was on vacation. The only question is, will the house burn to the ground by January 19?
Update: For analysis of Coakley’s fundraising spin, check out Coakley $25 Tweet A Sign of Trouble
Update: While Coakley remained aloof, Brown was outside the Boston Garden Fenway Park greeting fans before a Bruins game, where he ran into well-known Boston comedian Lenny Clarke, who expressed a “we’ve had enough” attitude felt throughout the country:
And, here’s an interesting graphic comparing Scott Brown’s Twitter followers with those of Coakley over the past month. As you can see, the number of Brown’s followers rose dramatically in the past two weeks in “hockey stick” fashion, while Coakley has pretty much flatlined:
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Scott Brown Winning The Online Battle
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