UN Climate Chief to US: “Show Me The Money”

Why am I not surprised. The head of the UN’s climate organization has demanded that American taxpayers “show me the money” by funding billions of dollars of climate change programs in poorer countries:

At the Copenhagen climate summit, the world’s top environment watchdog welcomed the fact President Obama will now be attending the talks but said the US target of cutting carbon emissions by 17 per cent by 2020 on 2005 levels was not high enough.

“To make up for this, he said the Americans must invest in a global fund to help developing countries cut their emissions.

“The litmus test is show me the money,” he said. “If you are going to come to Copenhagen and you are not able to deliver emissions targets at the moment along the lines the other industrialised countries have done then possibly one way you could convince the rest of the world you are serious about engaging is to finance – with a significant and credible contribution – the start up of the quick-start funding and become part of a an international financial ambition that will convince developing countries that they actually have an interest in signing a deal, rather than being taken to the cleaners as many of them have decided.”

The global fund is likely to be around $10 billion from next year, rising to $100 billion per annum by 2020.

None of this is surprising. The global climate change industry is all about shaking the dollars and cents out of our pockets. From Al Gore’s profiteering off of the hysteria he has created, to the large corporate interests involved in selling “green” as a marketing tool, to researchers willing to stifle debate and tamper with data so as to justify funding, to an internationalist movement interested in transfer of wealth as a social policy, the global climate change debate is all about showing the money.

The “show me the money” line is from the movie Jerry Maguire, about a desperate sports agent willing to do anything. So fitting that the UN climate change guru now uses such a crass phrase:

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