The Anti-Hadassah Lieberman Jihad Continues

Not content to call upon the Susan G. Komen Foundation to fire Hadassah Lieberman, Jane Hamsher now is trying to organize secondary pressure on the Komen Foundation through various celebrities who are involved with the organization. The online Petition states:

As I said before, it’s a shame that the “public option” advocates are willing to politicize breast cancer reasearch, while at the same time putting another nail in the feminist coffin by singling out a woman for professional retribution primarily because of her husband.

But at this point, almost nothing surprises me.

Update: Now DailyKos is getting involved, so you know it’s going to get really ugly, ALL HANDS: Remove Hadassah Lieberman as paid shill for the Susan G. Komen Foundation:

It’s grotesque, unseemly and sadly “uniquely American”, that the wife of the man who is working overtime to kill healthcare, is an “ambassador” for the Komen Foundation.

Added: At least not everyone at DailyKos is on board the anti-Hadassah movement, as this Diarist understands (emphasis in original):

FDL is out in force pushing their latest project: To get Hadassah Leiberman fired.

Do you really think going after Leiberman’s spouse will win us any brownie points with the public?

I can see it would start a huge flap, with the attendant publicity, but the blowback could be murderous for us.

And frankly it looks like bullying and cowardice.

So what are you trying to achieve? Payback? Or are you actually thinking this would help our case in the Senate?

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Tags: Health Care, Jane Hamsher, Nutroots