Harry Reid wants a Saturday night vote to open debate in the Senate on Reid’s 2,074 page attempt to restructure the health care system.
What will the Senator then do? Actually start debate? No, they will leave for the Thanksgiving break.
So what’s the hurry? The same hurry that Democrats have shown throughout the Obama administration. Everything (except Afghanistan) must be done before the American people have a chance to understand the legislation fully and to let their representatives know how they feel.
Do not underestimate Reid’s cleverness:
Colleagues say Mr. Reid’s extensive knowledge of Senate tactics and well-honed understanding of what drives and divides his Democratic colleagues leave him well positioned to pull off a legislative coup that has eluded seasoned and determined lawmakers for decades.
That is why Reid kept the bill secret until two days ago. That is why he wants a vote on opening debate before the Senators head back home and feel the wrath of the public as they did in August. Once debate opens, Reid will have more opportunities to bribe Senators with earmarks and other public goodies, as Reid is doing with Mary Landrieu, to whom Reid has thrown a $100 million bone.
Harry Reid wants another Saturday night massacre, as happened when Nancy Pelosi pushed through a Saturday night vote on the House bill, eeking out a slight victory after arm-twisting and policy slights of hand.
I’m not confident Reid can be stopped on the issue of opening debate. But it must be done, to stop the Three-Card Monte game which passes for health care reform.
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