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How Do They Think This Stuff Up? Part 2

How Do They Think This Stuff Up? Part 2

Another post by Matthew Yglesias engaging in gross generalizations and stereotypes of the politically acceptable kind, Stuff White People Like: Disapproving of Barack Obama:

The diversity issues that you see at the elite level of most of American life are, in my opinion, particularly egregious in the punditry world. People whose job is largely to express a point of view really ought to come from a variety of points of view, and it’s a huge problem in politics since demographics are so closely linked to political opinion….

About 50 percent of Americans approve of Obama’s job performance, but he’s overwhelmingly liked among non-white Americans and quite widely disliked by white Americans. Our punditry, however, is done almost exclusively by white people and pretty overwhelmingly by a demographic of older white men that’s pretty much the most right-wing cohort you can construct.

If demographics drive political opinion, then I suppose the types of pundits Ygelsias wants to see more of are the Thomas Sowell type, and less of the Keith Olbermann/Frank Rich type.

Like I said, how do they think this stuff up?

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Hmmm …How come they never ask themselves why African Americans and Latinos dissaproved of G.W. Bush or John McCain?

I love the one way thinking of liberals. Here is their logic in reverse.

How come the non whites are so racist? Otherwise, there would be an equal number of non whites that disapprove of Obama.

I'm not white (Asian) and I'm not a fan of Barack Obama.

The race card is not gonna go quietly into the night. Is it?

Geesh, Matt. GROW UP!

"If demographics drive political opinion, then I suppose the types of pundits Ygelsias wants to see more of are the Thomas Sowell type, and less of the Keith Olbermann/Frank Rich type."

Nooooooooooo, that doesn't follow. They and I would prefer to see a better demographic cross-section of the USA. That'd bring in the odd Thomas 'I went to Chicago and all I got was a lousy right-wing think tank welfare job' Sowell, but probably far more better thinkers.