They Don’t Link, They Don’t Call

On Saturday morning, Barack Obama gave a rip-roarin‘ speech lashing out at the insurance industry.

Obama finally found his mark, a villain he could love to hate. After months of corporate lobbyist wheeler-dealering, in which Obama’s minions squeezed advertising dollars out of Big Pharma and others, the insurance industry balked at a deal.

So Obama unleashed the Justice Department’s anti-trust division, and most important, the power of Obama’s oratory. The One took on The Bad One.

But it’s too little, too late. Obama may get a bill rammed through Congress in a last minute scramble, but not because of Obama’s power of persuasion.

Obama is so overexposed, that no one is listening or linking. Take a look at the Memeorandum thread above-right (as of 6 p.m. Saturday). Think Progress, ever the loyal Obama media servant, did the write-up on Obama’s speech to get the word out, but almost no one linked.

Considering Obama’s continued slide to 45% in the most recent approval ratings, it’s no surprise. Even the mighty Think Progress cannot generate enthusiasm over an Obama speech.

“They don’t link, they don’t call. After all I’ve done for them.” Or something like that.

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Tags: Health Care, Obamamania