Schoolyard Bully

I’m late to this story, so I’ll mostly link to others. Barack Obama tried to bar Fox News from the White House news pool, a move that is unprecedented.

I have been sounding the alarm about Obama’s intolerant tendencies for a year. I was right.

Fortunately, the schoolyard bully backed down, because the other networks in the pool refused to go along, and threatened to withdraw from the pool if Fox was banned.

Good for the mainstream media networks. Bad for our country that our President is trying to run the country as if this were a precinct in Chicago.

For more, check out:

UPDATE: The NY Times, to its credit (yes, I said it) has exposed the lies being spread by Obama, Axelrod, Emanuel, Dunn and Gibbs about how Fox is not a “news organization.” In reality, the impetus to the administration’s attacks was that traditional news organizations such as the NY Times were beginning to follow Fox News reports and scoops:

Later that week, White House officials said, they noticed a column by Clark Hoyt, the public editor of The Times, in which Jill Abramson, one of the paper’s two managing editors, described her newsroom’s “insufficient tuned-in-ness to the issues that are dominating Fox News and talk radio.” The Washington Post’s executive editor, Marcus Brauchli, had already expressed similar concerns about his newsroom.

White House officials said comments like those had focused them on a need to make their case that Fox had an ideological bent undercutting its legitimacy as a news organization.

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Tags: NY Times, obama