In Defense of Obama’s Guy Thing

Alternative headline: “Obama Critic Says It’s Gone Too Far.”

Let Obama play hoops and hit the links with the guys. Exactly which high-powered woman is he supposed to set a pick for, box out, or look the other way when she uses the foot wedge? Hillary? Maureen Dowd? Janet Napolitano?

Can you imagine. “Obama didn’t pass to me enough.” “Obama is all elbows.” “Obama was moving while I was putting.” “Obama called me a divet.” “Does Michelle know Obama smokes when he thinks no one is looking?”

Even the Politically Correct One is allowed to have some fun once in a while.

Momentary pause

That didn’t take long. All good things must come to an end:

Now we see reports that gender-insensitivity charges have resonated with the Obama White House. According to Politics Daily, the president dragged chief domestic policy adviser Melody Barnes to the golf course on Sunday, and she became the first female to join his golf foursome since he took office. The event produced a photo op of global proportions.

I’m almost beginning to feel sorry for him. Almost.

Second alternative headline: “Leave Obama Alone, He’s Busy Ruining The Country.”

Update: JC says The Audacity of Hope-Ocrisy. I try not to be so down on the guy as some are. That’s just the way I am.

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Tags: obama, Political Correctness