Barack Obama is on another “it’s all Bush’s fault” tear again. This time, using the tired campaign theme of cleaning up Bush’s mess:
Another way of putting it is when, you know, I’m busy and Nancy busy with our mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess –- we don’t want somebody sitting back saying, you’re not holding the mop the right way. (Applause.) Why don’t you grab a mop, why don’t you help clean up. (Applause.) You’re not mopping fast enough. (Laughter.) That’s a socialist mop. (Laughter and applause.) Grab a mop –- let’s get to work.
(Now I go into quasi-Keith Olbermann mode). Mr. President, you are right that things are a mess, but it is about time that you recognized that you have contributed to, worsened, and in some cases wholly created the mess:
- Jobs – Your economic policies create incentives for employers not to create jobs. Whether it is looming employer health care mandates, cap-and-tax energy tax plans, talking down the economy when convenient to create an atmosphere of crisis, or laying the ground work for massive government expansion, you have cost this country millions of jobs. You have set us on a course for permanent double-digit unemployment, just like in Europe.
- Stimulus Fiasco – The centerpiece of your presidency to date was the February 2009 Stimulus Plan which has turned out to be massive flop. A flop of such proportions that it will go down in history as one of the most hasty, foolish, and misguided wastes of a trillion dollars. It has created little economic activity because resources were devoted to make-work projects which may be valuable in isolation, but do not create long-term jobs or economic growth.
- The Deficit and Debt – You are running up deficits and debts which were unthinkable just two years ago. While the TARP inflated the deficit on a one-time basis, your spending plans will make trillion dollar annual deficits the norm. These are your deficits now, and everyone except you seems to realize it. Revenues are dropping at historic rates because you are squeezing the private sector, which actually pays the taxes. Your refusal to take responsibility is causing historic damage to the dollar, which has sent countries running to find alternatives to international transactions.
- Health Care – I have no doubt that you, Rahm Emanuel, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid will push something through Congress. But you have mishandled the process. Your aloof attitude allowed lobbyists to run amok, isolated you from the center, and allowed the process to ramble on with no direction. And these are the criticisms from your supporters. You will get something which may allow you to declare victory, but it will be a hollow victory because you will have done damage to hundreds of millions of Americans who are happy with their health care and health insurance without solving any of the major health care issues. You will be remembered as the President who destroyed our health care system. Congratulations.
- Afghanistan – This is the war you said had to we won, and was just. Yet you have dawdled. I had high hopes that you would put military advice ahead of polls and left-wing politics, and maybe some day you will do so. But for nine months you have done nothing productive. You took a deteriorating situation, and watched without action because you were preoccupied with your plans to reorganize the American economy. You blamed Bush for being distracted by Iraq, but you have been distracted by your domestic delusions of grandeur. And our soldiers on the ground are paying the price.
- The Middle East – The peace process is dead, and you are to blame. By sending signals that you were ready to put the heat on Israel and by prejudging the outcome of negotiations (such as a complete return to the pre-1967 borders), you emboldened the Palestinians to sit back and wait. The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, and you fed into this historical pattern. Everyone is waiting you out, hoping to survive your presidency.
- Latin America – You have sided with Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega, who hate us, against our friends in Honduras, who love us. And you have done so upon the thinnest of legal reeds, by arguing that the Honduran exercise of their constitutional powers through their courts should not be recognized. More important, you have sent a signal through your silence on Chavez’s move toward presidency for life and your warm greeting of him, that you are on the side of the dictators.
- Iran – The Iranians don’t take you seriously. They will talk you to death because they know that at the end of the day, you will do nothing about their nuclear program. Just like you sat back and said nothing for days when protesters took the the streets of Tehran over the fraudulent elections. You have all but guaranteed that sanctions will not work because the Russians and Chinese have no reason to work with you. You caved in to Russian pressure in Eastern Europe, and your spending plans require the Chinese to lend us money. Talk is cheap, but it is all you have left.
- Our Allies – Why is it that you are so tough on our allies but so soft on our enemies? You have sent a message that the U.S. is not to be trusted, is not a reliable ally, and will sell out our friends for friendly words from our enemies. In so doing, you have made it more difficult to achieve world stability. Is it any wonder that your oratory has failed to get any substantial contributions from NATO for Afghanistan?
- Dignity – Your apology tours are an embarrassment to our country and to us. At some point you will realize that people are laughing at us, and at you. “Loved by many, feared by none” may warm your heart, but it does not signify a President who is respected. The award of the Nobel Peace Prize was not your fault, but the reaction in the international community was one of mockery reflecting that no one believes you have achieved anything.
- Race Relations – You campaigned on a theme of being post-racial, but your campaign team and supporters shamelessly used the race card. After your election, these same supporters have elevated the race card to the primary weapon to silence criticism of your policies. Yet you have remained largely silent on this despicable tactic, allowing baseless accusations of racism to poison the political dialogue.
So Mr. President, please clean up your own economic, foreign policy, and political messes before you complain about George Bush. In other words, start acting like the President, instead of a presidential candidate.
UPDATE: I could have said it more simply – “Stop pissin’ on the floor.”
Confusion. In August Obama told us to get out of the way so he could clean up the mess himself. Now he wants our help. So I guess he was against getting help cleaning up the mess before he was for it.
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Mr. Jacobson, I haven't visited your blog in a few weeks being busy starting back to college myself. I just happened to check today and your post is beautifully written.
It seems like everything that we have ever stood for has now become null and void. That even the Polish people view America unfavorably shows how incredibly damaging this presidency has been. They were a solid ally again as soon as the Iron Curtain came down.
His apologies to other countries for our success are disgusting and disgraceful. As well as the stupidity of wasting time to campaign for the olympics to be held in Chicago. I suppose that might have given us an advantage if they added an event like drive-by shootings or gang beatings.
The left need to realize they didn't elect a leader, as anyone with any sense can tell. He may be a political organizer but he should have stayed on the block. He is totally out of his league.
I kind of want him to keep beating the "It's Bush's Fault!" drum (maddening as it is). It makes him look weak, like he's shirking responsibility, and increasingly impotent. More importantly, its already on the negative side of diminishing returns. Most people don't buy it, and those that do are losing faith (trillion dollar spending orgies and his failure to actually walk on water will do that). As people lose their jobs and see the world's villains on the march, they tend to lose patience with preachy lectures and excuses awfully damn quick.
Successful leaders don't spend their time complaining about their predecessors. Churchill didn't, Reagan didn't. Its a sign of desperation from an administration that is just starting to realize that they may have a whole lot to be desperate about. The good news (for us) is, its the absolutely wrong tactic. So let him pass the buck and complain–I bet it works as well for him as it did for Carter.
The unemployment rate was under 5% when Democrats took control of Congress in 2007.
Awesome Post!
I linked to it on COMMON CENTS…
Ummmmmm… the mop is upside down, Harry's drooling on the floor and Nancy's pissing all over it. Add that to all the indignant but nonsensical spittle being spewed by the Democrat Congress and it adds up to quite a puddle with an inept clean up crew (again dear leader, fluffy side of mop goes down)
It is a brilliant post. You nailed it. As an outsider you summed up my thoughts exactly
Since I am a good Catholic (roll eyes) I went to church this morning. The gospel was based upon John and James wanting to sit at the right hand of Jesus in his kingdom. Of course they meant a physical kingdom because they had not understood the nature of the mission.
Now what struck me in the homily today by Fr. Peter Day, who just happens to be an ex-journalist who used to do the political journalism, was a comment that goes to the heart of this desire of Barry to get honours and awards. It was the kind of comment that was slipped in, very general, but immediately it invoked the image of Barry and his NPP which he did not deserve. The real message of the homily was about being a servant, or slave a the service of others, and that such service does not require those honours and rewards….. plenty of room for thought…..
The fact is that Barry is busy crippling America and making her impotent as a world power. This is a very huge mistake because it upsets the balance of power. I just hope that somehow there is an end to what is really a very big crisis.
Olbermann supports Rush. You channel Olbermann.
Must be getting close to Halloween?
This post was so well done, as was the link, that I simply linked to it about my website. Sometimes people just say what you want to say, better.
However, what Obama is doing is not by accident. Read the article I did on the American Spectator story from Codevilla. You'll find we are well on our way to a government that mirrored Mussolini's Italy. It has been the first time it has been tried, it just never works.
It is spooky stuff and makes you want to either fight or run.
This a great post. Bravo! Bravo! Why is this so great? Because it is full of facts and truth, not lies and distortion (which is all the Obama WH can spin).
Thanks for taking Little Barry to the woodshed, Prof.
Quoted from and linked to at: