Psst…Don’t Tell Andrew Sullivan Our Secret

Andrew Sullivan is back on his Trig Palin birther hoax theory, that Sarah Palin is the grandmother and Bristol Palin is the mother. Or what Sullivan calls And The Story The MSM Still Won’t Touch.

Sullivan has no evidence, just unanswered questions. That’s all it takes for an internet rumor to take hold.

In order for Sullivan’s theory to be true, the scope of the conspiracy of silence must be massive, almost on par with the Israeli conspiracy to bomb the World Trade Center and to set up al-Qaeda as the fall guys [note to the humorless watchers, this is a joke].

Sarah Palin officially announced that she was pregnant no later than March 5, 2008 (see USA Today article, above right). Which means that if this is a hoax, at least all of the following people have been in on the conspiracy and have kept their vows of silence for over a year:

Hundreds, maybe thousands of people must be keeping this secret, in order for Sullivan’s theory to be true. The more people keep silent, the more Sullivan believes. The lack of evidence becomes evidence.

It’s like the whole world is throwing a big surprise party, and Andrew Sullivan is the only one who doesn’t know where or when. Please, no one tell him our big secret, it’s too much fun watching him on his wild Alaskan goose chase.

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“Questions that any sane person would ask”
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Tags: Nutroots, Sarah Palin