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Bloody Sunday In Honduras, Part 2?

Bloody Sunday In Honduras, Part 2?

With all that is happening in the world and at home, it would be easy to forget about the drama unfolding in Honduras this weekend. Manuel Zelaya is threatening another attempt at a return to Honduras this Sunday, is taking steps to set up an alternative government, and has issued an ultimatum to the Honduran leadership. The last time Zelaya attempted a return, there were bloody protests at the airport, resulting in at least one death.

Standing behind and beside Zelaya is Hugo Chavez.

As reported at Fausta’s Blog, the Honduran government claims to have uncovered computers programmed to give Zelaya a victory in the term-limit referendum which sparked the crisis. If true, it would confirm that Zelaya is just another Chavez, determined to hold onto power regardless of the Honduran Constitution.

As goes Honduras may go the rest of Latin America. Too bad our own government doesn’t see it this way. If Chavez succeeds in reinstating Zelaya, the effects will be devastating for decades.

Keep your eyes on Honduras this weekend, please.

UPDATE 7-19-2009: Looks like Zelaya is backing down for today: Zelaya moves his “ultimatum” to July 24, perhaps giving U.S. and O.A.S. sanctions against Honduras more time to work at pressuring the government to allow Zelaya to return. I’d like to think that time is working against Zelaya, but given how dependent Honduras is on the U.S. and neighboring states, I’m not sure that will be the case.

Welcome back to the U.S. Hunter Smith!

Related Posts:
CNN Falls For The Honduran Fauxtester
Let them come to Tegucigalpa
Hands Off Honduras

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Without doubt, the eyes are focused. The ayes, too.

When are you brain-dead, right-wing thugs going to realize that your nearly 30 years of running this country into the ground are over? Your pathetically predictable rants are making you look like the washed-up, intellectually vacuous boobs that you are. Yes, like Reagan, let's back Fascists, Nazis and death squads, like Bush 1 & 2 let's invade defenseless countries and murder countless innocent civilians and in the same vein, yes, let's back the military thugs who have illegally seized power in Honduras by force. Oh yes, and throw in Chavez, the brutal dictator who seized control of Venezuela in what you knee-jerk Repugnicants hate the most – an internationally sanctioned, fair, democratic election. Hooray for Fascist dictators, down with democracy – you Repugs just keep heaping the coals on your heads but you're too damn stupid to realize it. Keep it up – keep digging that pit that you will be buried in for decades.

I just love it when mouthpieces of the left, like Peter, go on a tirade and are so incredibly stupid to realize that they have pretty much everything wrong. Like this…

let's back the military thugs who have illegally seized power in Honduras by force. Oh yes, and throw in Chavez, the brutal dictator who seized control of Venezuela in what you knee-jerk Repugnicants hate the most – an internationally sanctioned, fair, democratic election.

Does anything else need to be said?

The left has been bankrupt of ideas for 20 years. Now that they are in power, I'm seeing recycled garbage from my youth. old-fart SDS'ers, raise your hands. At least come up with some more creative invective than the same-old same-old.

First, thank you for the link, professor.

Second, "military thugs"? We love them here in Honduras. We wish they could stay on streets after all of this is over because crime is WAY down. The ladies get together and cook for them. They keep us safe from the real thugs, the pro-Zelaya paid imports from Nicaragua and Venezuela that are terrorizing our country. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.

As far as Zelaya being a democratically elected president, check out his YouTube video where he admits that he won the election by fraud.

It's amazing how misinformed some people are as to what has happened and is happening here.

We survived with no bloody Sunday. I think their tactics are to keep everyone worried and stressed by announcing all these different dates, times, etc.

I'm proud of Honduras for standing strong.

Cyd and Yarnshop: You have nothing to say and can't refute a single thing I said. Airhead Rethugs like you should crawl back under your rocks – follow your patron saint of stupidity back to Texas.

As for La Gringa, speak for yourself. Those who have been gunned down by your gangster friends would tell a different story – if they were still alive to tell it.

You're all living in the fifties – the age of American-sponsored terrorism around the world. Here's a little exercise – see if you can count the number of democratically-elected governments overthrown by the CIA and School of the Americas, death-squad graduates. If you can't name 20 you're not trying.

Your days are over – give it up.