
I think it’s time for the Blogospheric Neologian to coin a new political phrase:


The pleasure derived from watching Arlen Specter do unto Democrats that which Specter did unto Republicans.

In the course of his first week as a Democrat Specter voted against the Democratic budget, rejected a Democratic measure on mortgage foreclosures, announced his opposition to the president’s Office of Legal Counsel nominee, and clarified that he never pledged to be a “loyal Democrat” or to support Obama’s agenda. At that point, liberals went into emotional hypothermia.

Now Specter has announced that Norm Coleman should be declared winner of the Minnesota Senate contest. Which of course would take the burden off of Specter of being the filibuster-breaking Democratic vote.

The nutroots are going bananas. From TPM: “Memo to Sen. Arlen Specter (RD-PA): You’re supposed to be a Democrat now.” Wonkette: “Arlen Specter Is Only Human On Earth To Continue Supporting Norm Coleman.” DailyKOS: “Keep it up Arlen, your Joe Lieberman impersonation is so spot-on, that we can’t wait to take you on in the Democratic primary.” Whiskey Fire: “… because he’s just overall kind of a douchebag.”

The news hasn’t been this much fun since Monica remembered she kept that blue dress.

UPDATE: The hits just keep coming. Asked whether he regretted any of the roughly 10,000 votes he has cast as a Senator, Specter could think of just one:

Sen. Arlen Specter said Tuesday he regrets his vote against Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) two decades ago that helped kill his nomination to the federal bench.

Sessions, who has now assumed Specter’s former position as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, was nominated by President Ronald Reagan in 1986 to be a federal judge — but Specter provided a key “no” vote after allegations were made that Sessions had a poor record on race relations as Alabama attorney general. Sessions has called those allegations false and unfounded.

To which DailyKOS responded: “But it’s clear that his body is rejecting his (D) transplant, because he keeps rejecting any semblance of respect or appreciation for his new party.” We’ll see about that, when the real votes take place.

UPDATE No. 2: Harry Reid went back on his promise that Specter could keep his seniority. Can’t wait to see how Specter reacts to that stab in the back. This should be very, very interesting. I wouldn’t count on 60 just yet.

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Blogger Mood Disorder

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Tags: blogger mood disorder, Blogging, Liberals, Nutroots