Go To CarolineGlick.com

Caroline Glick, who writes for the Jerusalem Post, is the most astute observer of the looming Iranian menace, and the pathetic refusal of governments in Israel, Europe, and the U.S. to address the problem. Visit her website. I love Glick’s description of her background, which reads in part:

I grew up in Chicago’s ultra-liberal, anti-American and anti-Israel stronghold of Hyde Park. Hyde Park’s newest famous resident is Barack Obama. He fits right into a neighborhood I couldn’t wait to leave.

I made aliyah to Israel in 1991, two weeks after receiving my BA in Political Science from Beir Zeit on the Hudson — otherwise known as Columbia University…. From 1998-2000 I went back to the US where I received a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government in June 2000. Although I spent most of my free time hiking in New England, it did not escape my attention that the vast majority of the faculty at the Kennedy School were not particularly fond of America — or of Israel.

Glick’s most recent article, An Urgent Memo to The Next Government, is a must read. From an analysis of the threat posed by the increasing missile arsenal fielded by Iran and its proxies, to the likelihood that Iran is developing electro-magnetic weapons that could paralyze our economy, Glick is right on target.

(h/t Israel Matzav via Hot Air)

Tags: Caroline Glick, Europe, Iran, Israel, obama