Media Bias Infects The Media’s Self-Examination

The mainstream media, which swooned over Barack Obama, is going through a mild period of self-examination. Howard Kurtz‘ piece, A Giddy Sense of Boosterism, has sparked media self-examination over how the media debased itself through pro-Obama boosterism. Yet even in this self-examination, the pro-Obama bias shines through.

There is no better example of media self-examination bias than an Op-Ed by Jon Friedman, Mr. Obama, Enjoy the Media Adulation While You Can. The article purports to be an expression of remorse for the shabby treatment of Hillary Clinton and John McCain at the hands of the pro-Obama mainstream media. Friedman seems honest in his intent, but even an honest member of the mainstream media cannot help but let Obamamania seep through. Witness the following:

Yes, I’m thrilled that he won the election, underscoring the American ideal that we live in a foreword-thinking democracy, where any man or woman can rise to the highest office in the land. And I’m proud that even Obama’s staunchest foes — particularly the man he defeated, John McCain — seem to be willing to accept his victory and pledge to help him turn around the economy and cure the nation’s other ills.

Notice how Friedman presumes that electing Obama is “foreword-thinking.” So those of us who supported McCain are backwards-thinking? Bias. Or how Obama’s election proved that “any man or woman can rise to the highest office in the land.” Really, I thought the whole point of the self-analysis was that one woman (hint, her name is Hillary) couldn’t rise to the highest office because of media bias.

But Friedman saves the best for last. Even Obama’s “staunchest opponents” are ready to help Obama, after he saves the economy, to “cure the nation’s other ills.” Ah yes, Obama as healer who can place his hands on the ill nation and work miracles. Isn’t this type of aggrandizement of Obama the very problem Friedman purports to lament?

And what about all those unnamed “other ills.” One thing I know for sure, there is one ill even Obama cannot cure. It’s called pro-Obama mainstream media bias.

UPDATE: Some attentive commenters have noted the use of the term “foreword-thinking.” That was the term used in the original Marketwatch Friedman post. Since then it has been corrected to “forward-thinking” with the explanation that “This is an update to fix a typographical error.”

Tags: Media Bias, obama