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Postal Union: Trump is an ‘Existential Threat to Our Union’

Postal Union: Trump is an ‘Existential Threat to Our Union’

Oh, look. They’re using Project 2025 to scare members. So original. *eye roll*

In a letter to members, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) described former President Donald Trump as an “existential threat” to the union.

From The Federalist:

“If Donald Trump wins the upcoming election, it could prove an existential threat to our union and our contract,” the letter reads. “Your vote matters: consider how the consequences could affect you, your job, and our union when deciding how to vote.”

“Donald Trump and his allies have put together an extensive plan for the next year, if he takes office and appoints anti-union allies throughout the executive branch,” the letter reads. “Our union cannot afford to risk the proposals in Project 2025 becoming a reality.”

The letter claims Project 2025 would “ban all public employee unions and replace private-sector unions with company-controlled unions,” “let states opt out of federal overtime and minimum wage” requirements, and repeal the Davis-Bacon Act, which places wage requirements on government projects.

“There are members who don’t like our union talking about politics,” the letter reads. “This year, however, the two are inextricably linked to the future of our union.”

The letter tells members to visit a page that demonizes Project 2025, even though, again, it has nothing to do with Trump or any Republican:

Trump’s Project 2025 is the 920-page document, written by at least 140 Trump advisers and former (and likely future) leaders in the Trump administration, that spells out what they plan to do during a Trump second term.

We broke it down for you: How would this agenda affect union members and working families?

We are deeply concerned about pro-corporate policies that would drive up costs, put people out of work, endanger people’s lives and make it harder for working people to get ahead. For unions, this agenda would make it tougher for members to win gains in our next contracts and stack the deck in favor of CEOs.

VP Kamala Harris received the NALC’s endorsement on September 12. The NALC is affiliated with the AFL-CIO, which also endorsed Harris.

The letter says Georgia NALC President Don Griggs signed the letter “in solidarity,” but he claims the union did that without his permission.

Griggs didn’t even see the letter until he received it:

Griggs told The Federalist the letter came not from him, but from the national union — without his permission. “They told me they were going to send me some information as we got closer to the election, and I had no idea they were sending out a letter with my name,” Griggs said. “I never would have sent anything out like that.”

He said he received the letter two to three days after others began talking about it. “I didn’t see it until I got it myself,” Griggs said. “When people were calling me about it, I had no idea what they were talking about.”

Griggs said he would have contacted the AFL-CIO about this if he “knew how to get in touch with them.” He said he thinks the national union should send messages from its own office, not state offices.

“I didn’t have a problem with them sending out something to the membership, but as far as attaching my name to it without my permission, that was a different story,” Griggs said. “They were trying to get a message out.”


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The endorsement is all the more reason to not vote for VP Harris.

Even the endorsement letter shows that the letter carriers are better at delivering letter than at writing them.

    david7134 in reply to Arnoldn. | September 25, 2024 at 5:39 pm

    My post office barely does anything, so something needs to change. Get em Trump.

      Tsquared79 in reply to david7134. | September 25, 2024 at 7:40 pm

      Same here. I live in a town of 2600 people. The local post office does not process their mail. It gets sent 5 hours up the interstate to Atlanta to be processed. If I try to send a payment to my yard service across town it takes 3 to 4 weeks to get there. I pay everything on-line or over the phone. If I do have to send out a payment via USPS I will post it in Hinesville or Statesboro where the mail is processed locally.

        Joe-dallas in reply to Tsquared79. | September 25, 2024 at 9:07 pm

        Similar issue in Dallas, Tx

        Mail across town is now 3-4 days when 10 years ago, mail travelled overnight.

        I have also had clients mail checks for fee payment that gets stolen, apparently by postal workers.

          The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Joe-dallas. | September 25, 2024 at 11:20 pm

          That theft is likely going on in the post office itself. Not by the letter carriers. That’s where a lot of the theft has been reported. It’s also a different Union.

          I must be doing something wrong. I’ve had very little trouble with the post office over the years. I guess I’m just lucky.

    My postman is a Vietnam Combat Vet. He has a Trump sign in his yard. What the hell are you people talking about?

    saneman1 in reply to Arnoldn. | September 26, 2024 at 1:21 am

    So, these are the clowns that are supposed to handle all the ‘mail-in-votes’ the Democrats use to steal elections – the ones that don’t get put in drop boxes. I recall back in the late 1970s – the libertarian Review was seriously into abolishing the Post Office and privatizing it. I actually defended the Post Office. Please do recall that from the late 1840s through 1860 – the Postmaster Generals in Slave States refused to deliver ‘abolitionist materials. Shur her down. How can one have fair elections that depend on mail in ballots when the Post Office Union are a bunch of political hacks. Disgusting – and once again – why do public workers get to have unions exactly.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Arnoldn. | September 26, 2024 at 8:11 am

    USPS is arrogant and incompetent. I use alternatives as much as possible.

Trump an existential threat to your union? Only Dems will do, therefore what ever it takes I guess,?

    MattMusson in reply to Whitewall. | September 26, 2024 at 6:47 am

    “Therefore, gather up all the undeliverable vote by mail ballots and deliver them to the Democrat operatives.” The unsaid but implied part of the speech.

Eliminate public sector unions? Sounds like a Trump ad to me.

    vinnymeyer in reply to Paul. | September 25, 2024 at 5:45 pm

    Do any of them actually know what the word existential means?

      Some of them are clearly just ignorant. But a lot of the others are using that phrase to gin up their lunatic base for more assassination attempts.

      Existential threat to public employee unions? Sure, sounds good to me.

      Existential threat to the Republic? Don’t be a fuc*king retard or a gaslighting c*nt. Or a fuc*ing retarded gaslighting c*nt.

        Milhouse in reply to Paul. | September 25, 2024 at 9:33 pm

        But the letter didn’t say he’s an existential threat to the Republic. Just to the union, and while unfortunately I doubt it, I wish it were true, and hope it is.

        Certainly if Trump were to adopt all of Project 2025’s recommendations in this area this union would literally be shut down, so he would indeed be an existential threat to it. And that is what he should do. But I don’t believe he will. Still voting for him, just with less enthusiasm than I would if I thought he would adopt all those recommendations.

If there’s one union I have a family connection to, it’s the letter carriers union. My dad and dad’s dad were both postal workers, my dad (passed away on the job when I was 13) was even the president of the local.

The postal workers are sorta neither fish nor foul, since the post office went “private” in 1970 about the time my dad passed. Officially not federal employees. So even if the 2025 project was a Trump proposal (it’s not) any curtailing of federal employee unions would be a separate issue from any changes to postal employee rules and benefits.

If you’re going to base opposition to a candidate on lies, that says more about you than the candidate in question.

Well that settles it. First, the IRS union likes Harris. Second, 741 deep state nitwits like Harris. And now, the USPS union likes Harris. How can you go wrong voting for Trump? I only wish I had more than one vote to give to him (maybe if I register as a Democrat they’ll send me a few more ballots?).

I hope Trump is a threat to every government union.

Trump should make them produce a forever “Trump” stamp. And put Biden on the plugged nickel stamp.

Like I needed another reason to vote for Trump.

thalesofmiletus | September 25, 2024 at 6:17 pm

This Trump guy must be squeaky clean if all they can do is lie about him.

destroycommunism | September 25, 2024 at 6:23 pm


our lazy butts can easily be replaced by someone who cares

so we must stick with the leftists

destroycommunism | September 25, 2024 at 6:26 pm

why do think they have to write laws to keep their monopoly

b/c fedex and ups would do a better job

usps likes TO BRAG that a stamp “only” cost x amount


that a capitalist company would have to “extinguish”

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 25, 2024 at 6:26 pm

Postal Union: Trump is an ‘Existential Threat to Our Union’

From the place where the phrase “Going Postal” came from.

Remember back when … when the mass shootings were all postal union employees going nuts and spraying their local post office with lead …

    I think about half of the incidents were. The other half were actually customers.
    This research comes up every time we try to repeal the prohibition on carrying at the PO. A proportion of 50% being “employee to colleague/management” violence” is still pretty damning, but it loses a lot in public perception.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 25, 2024 at 6:29 pm

To be fair, post offices are kind of nice. They are like theme parks … you go in to experience how life in the old Soviet Union operated.

The Postal Union has more to fear from piss poor management and their own hide bound complicity in allowing the Post Office to remain outdated. Designing their delivery model and sorting model around flyers/junk mail was suboptimal. Adapt or be replaced by a newer, cheaper, more efficient process.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to CommoChief. | September 26, 2024 at 6:34 am

    I swear. Every time I get a mailbox full of junk mail, I have to look through it entirely, because my postman puts regular mail deep inside the junk. It’s as if he slips an envelope in each flyer, newsletter, and fake newspapers.

We won’t be delivering mail-in ballots from Republican areas.

    saneman1 in reply to rhhardin. | September 26, 2024 at 1:26 am

    Bingo – shut these clowns down. The Democrats love mail in ballots because that is one of the ways they use to steal elections (the other being Democrat Big City Machines) – so now they have their clown helpers at the post office to assist them. Shut the Post Office downs and use private means to deliver mail. Sadly disgusting.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to rhhardin. | September 26, 2024 at 6:36 am

    These morons can’t deliver a birthday card in a few days, undamaged and unopened, but they can deliver thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania in the middle of the night.

Has a Democrat ever made a statement about Trump that wasn’t a falsehood?

I am a retired, postal worker, a carrier. The political views of the NALC are anathema to me and at least half of all the coworkers I have worked with. They are just union management liberals. They are all woke and spineless.

And to remember that FDR was opposed to the creation of public employee unions.

Makes me ultra confident in the integrity of all of those people entrusted with ballots.

The Gentle Grizzly | September 25, 2024 at 11:17 pm

“Existential threat”. The puppets have a new phrase to parrot.

So, the Democrat Political Hacks that run the Post Office Unition tell big whopping lies and get to handle the mail-in-ballots the Democrats use to steal elections. Beyond nauseatingly disgusting. Just one more example of the terrible consequences of allowing Public Employees to have unions.

McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 | September 26, 2024 at 6:20 am

Democrats: “Let’s have everybody hand over their ballots to these people!”

Davis-Bacon should be repealed and all government employee unions should be abolished.

USPS wouldn’t exist anymore if it wasn’t for unsolicited junk mail. They need to find new business model.