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In Beirut Airstrike, Israel Eliminates Hezbollah Head of Operations Involved In 1983 U.S. Embassy Bombing

In Beirut Airstrike, Israel Eliminates Hezbollah Head of Operations Involved In 1983 U.S. Embassy Bombing

“AFP reported that Aqil was killed in the attack, citing a source close to Hezbollah.”

An Israeli airstrike on Friday eliminated the head of Hezbollah’s terrorist operations, Ibrahim Aqil.

“Israel carried out a ‘targeted strike’ in a Hezbollah stronghold in the Lebanese capital of Beirut,” Israel’s i24NEWS TV reported Friday afternoon. “Several reports claim IDF strike in Beirut targeted Ibrahim Aqil, a member of Hezbollah’s military council.”

IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, confirmed that several commanders of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan terrorist force we taken out in today’s strike.

“Aqil and the Radwan Force commanders we struck were the masterminds of and the force behind Hezbollah’s plan to execute an attack on Northern Israel. As part of this plan, Hezbollah intended to infiltrate Israel, seize control of the communities in the Galilee, and to kill and kidnap Israeli civilians, much like Hamas did on October 7th,” tje IDF spokesperson said.

Axios reporter Barak Ravid posted on X that the entire leadership of Hezbollah’s elite terrorist Radwan force was eliminated in Friday’s Israeli airstrike, according to Israeli military sources.

Aqil was targeted on the 40th anniversary of the 1983 U.S. Embassy bombing. The Hezbollah bombing killed 23 people, including two U.S. servicemen: Chief Warrant Officer Kenneth V. Welch and Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Ray Wagner.

Aqil was wanted by the U.S. for his involvement in the 1983 bombing of the Beirut Embassy and Marine Barracks. On October 23, 1983, Hezbollah suicide bombers killed 241 U.S. personnel, including 220 Marines, 18 sailors, and three soldiers.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Friday disclosed carrying out a precision strike on the Hezbollah terrorist bastion in the Lebanese capital. The “IDF conducted a targeted strike in Beirut,” the military said in a brief statement. “At this moment, there are no changes in the Home Front Command defensive guidelines. We will update regarding any changes.”

The Israeli news website YNET reported the details of the airstrike:

The IDF announced Friday afternoon that it “conducted a targeted strike in Beirut,” attacking two buildings in the Lebanese capital’s Dahieh district, a Hezbollah stronghold.

A security source told Qatari daily The New Arab that the attack caused considerable damage. Saudi media reported that the target was located near central Hezbollah facilities and that four consecutive explosions were heard when the buildings were struck.

AFP reported that Aqil was killed in the attack, citing a source close to Hezbollah.

Lebanon’s health ministry reported that three people were killed and at least 17 injured. The country’s public broadcaster said that Israeli fighter jets fired two missiles into the buildings.

The U..S. had placed a reward of $7 million for information leading to Ibrahim’s capture for his role in bombing of the Beirut embassy and Marine barracks.

“Ibrahim Aqil, also known as Tahsin, serves on Hizballah’s highest military body, the Jihad Council,” the U.S. State Department said in a 2023 statement. “During the 1980s, Aqil was a principal member of Hizballah’s terrorist cell the Islamic Jihad Organization, which claimed responsibility for the bombings of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in April 1983, which killed 63 people, and the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in October 1983, which killed 241 U.S. personnel.”

The Iran-backed terrorist group admitted the killing of two of its operatives in Friday’s Israeli strikes. “Hezbollah confirms the deaths of two operatives who were killed by IDF troops while attempting to carry out a bombing attack on the Israeli border earlier this week,” the Times of Israel reported. “They are named by the terror group as Hussein Faqih and Ali Mansour. Their bodies are reportedly being held by Israel.”


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Hezbollah have their backs up against a wall at the moment as it’s hard to pull a trigger with no fingers 😂😂

Grudges aren’t an America tradition. That’s Middle East stuff.

JackinSilverSpring | September 20, 2024 at 12:29 pm

Does Israel get the $7 million reward money?

Send a plane that writes across the sky: “Nasrallah, you are next!”

2nd Ammendment Mother | September 20, 2024 at 12:47 pm

Seems like we need to start paying up on some outstanding bounties on the heads of terrorists….. first one for Kovar Towers, and now the Embassy

To loosely quote Colonel Kilgore, “I love the smell of dead terrorists in the morning. Smells like…victory”.

Doing the jobs Americans won’t do.

Outstanding for Israel! Same for the pagers and walkie talkies. All over the West, there are cheers for Israel. People are saying, “It’s about god damned time.” I raise a toast to Israel!

– They compromised smartphones and some dudes got whacked.
– Then they compromised the pagers they switched to secure their comms, and a bunch of dudes will never get to enjoy their virgins (raisins, whatever).
– Then they compromised the handheld radios and blew up some more bad dudes.
So, Hezbollah leadership doesn’t have any choice but to hold a face-to-face meeting…. KABOOM!

destroycommunism | September 20, 2024 at 3:17 pm

BTW…NATO.. you owe the Israelis about $400000000 for taking of your problems

Frankly, it is beyond shameful that the Dhimmi-crats who’ve held the White House numerous times since 1983, didn’t already take this Muslim terrorist with American blood on his hands, out.

Than again, the vile, evil and stupid Dhimmi-crats never met a Muslim terrorist/Muslim supremacist/Islamofascist whom they didn’t attempt to kowtow to, appease, fund, enable and otherwise defer to.