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‘I Would Do it Again’: Utah Trans-Identified Male Admits Murdering His Parents

‘I Would Do it Again’: Utah Trans-Identified Male Admits Murdering His Parents

Collin Troy Bailey, 28, who goes by Mia, hunted down his parents in their home.

Collin Troy Bailey, 28, who goes by Mia, admitted he slaughtered his parents on Tuesday night in their Utah home.

Bailey legally changed his sex and name in 2023. It doesn’t change the fact that he is a MALE.

Bailey then went after his brother and his wife. Both survived.

Beyond disturbing:

Police say a neighbor’s security camera recorded Bailey arriving at her parent’s home in her Kia Soul. After her arrest, she gave detectives gruesome details of the killings, stating “that she entered the house and almost immediately began shooting at her mother,” the affidavit alleges. “Mia stated that her father … heard the shots and began walking toward her. Mia stated that she shot her father in the head and that he immediately dropped to the ground.”

Police say Bailey told them she went downstairs for a while, then returned upstairs and fired more shots. “Mia described that she returned to her father who was lying on the ground and shot him one more time in the head to make sure that he was dead. While doing that, Mia … walked back over to her mother and shot her in the head to make sure that she was dead,” police wrote in the affidavit.

Police say Bailey’s father was shot twice and her mother four times.

After killing the parents, Bailey fired a shot into the bedroom door where her brother had locked himself inside, according to the affidavit. “Mia stated that her brother was not her main target, but she would not have been sad had the gunshot killed him.”

Authorities arrested Bailey on Wednesday:

After searching for Bailey, police were tipped off that she was in the area of Horseman Park and River Rd. in St. George, police said. When officers found her, court documents said she pulled a gun from her waistband and held it to her head as she walked away from police, and they lost sight of her.

Bailey was apprehended Wednesday morning when she surrendered to police near the St. George Temple, documents said.

Bailey has shown no remorse. In fact, he told police, “I would do it again. I hate them.”

Neighbor Richard Zyszkiewicz said the family had a volatile relationship with “bad vibes.” He described “strained relationships with multiple other family members. Multiple family members told law enforcement that they were afraid of Mia. These family members all sought alternative lodging for the night to ensure their safety.”

Authorities located Gail Bailey on the first floor. They found Joseph Bailey in the hallway towards the master bedroom.

Bailey faces the following charges:

  • Seven counts of felony discharge of a firearm
  • Three counts of aggravated murder
  • One count of aggravated burglary


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smooth | June 21, 2024 at 7:09 pm

Biden going to invite to white house?

    puhiawa in reply to smooth. | June 21, 2024 at 7:14 pm

    Any police officer will tell you that these mentally deranged lunatics are the most dangerous out there..

      Gremlin1974 in reply to puhiawa. | June 21, 2024 at 7:21 pm

      They are dangerous for the same reason they have such a high suicide rate, supporting and feeding into delusion does nothing to treat the underlying mental illness which is the real problem.

      Same process for letting them mutilate themselves due to their delusion. They have trauma from the mental illness that they are convince will go away if they just have this or that part copped off or added. Then once they go through all that physical trauma they realize that nothing has changed and they made a mistake which leads to them committing suicide.

        Joe-dallas in reply to Gremlin1974. | June 22, 2024 at 3:15 pm

        Gremlin – good comment on the mental health issue.

        One of the common themes from the activists is that gender confusion is medical illness not a mental illness. Even the psychiatric association changed the classification to a non mental illness. All of which was to justify the bogus treatment on the mentally ill.

        As I have previously stated
        Its not the boys competing in girls sports that is a problem
        Its the the mentally ill suffering from “gender confusion” that is the problem

        Its the adults and the activists that are telling these mentally ill individuals that their gender is different from their biological sex and the bogus mental health treatment is good.
        That is the problem.

        joejoejoe in reply to Gremlin1974. | June 22, 2024 at 10:10 pm

        Deranged. There is something more here at work as well

      MAJack in reply to puhiawa. | June 22, 2024 at 8:21 am

      Nutters, pure and simple. Re-open the mental hospitals, we clearly have a growing unmet need.

    JR in reply to smooth. | June 21, 2024 at 8:16 pm

    Actually, Trump is going to invite him to Mar-a-Lago, where Trump hosts celebrations of Trans (like he did in his beauty pageants) and gay marriage orgies, like he did for the Lincoln Log Republicans. Not that there is anything wrong with this, of course.

    Dimsdale in reply to smooth. | June 21, 2024 at 9:18 pm

    Would it be considered “sniffworthy?”

McGehee 🇺🇲 FJB | June 21, 2024 at 7:15 pm

If you have to commit the same murder a second time, you probably shouldn’t be a murderer because you suck at it.

    henrybowman in reply to McGehee 🇺🇲 FJB. | June 21, 2024 at 7:37 pm

    Murder, like anything else, requires study.
    I did research before putting down a horse in need of it, just to make sure I didn’t negligently add to the poor thing’s agony. I’m glad I did.

    Concise in reply to McGehee 🇺🇲 FJB. | June 22, 2024 at 9:11 am

    Oddly basically the same answer Peter Strauss gave in the Jericho Mile, but somehow I sympathized with Strauss’ character. Trans thing murder, not so much.

    As an aside the Jericho Mile was a frigging TV movie that beats the crap out of must of today’s theatrical releases, especially if they come from Disney.

Peter Moss | June 21, 2024 at 7:16 pm

Read this story carefully. Part of the problem is that this psychopath is literally misgendered. He was born with XY chromosomes. Nothing in the whole wide world can change that. When the author uses female pronouns and the female name, this only legitimizes a falsehood.

Bailey is a man, a man who murdered his parents.

Convict him, put him in a male prison and throw away the key.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 21, 2024 at 7:16 pm

court documents said she pulled a gun from her waistband and held it to her head as she walked away from police

He threatened to kill himself?? A La the sheriff in Blazing Saddles??

The cops should have shot him dead on the spot, or let him pull his own trigger. There is ABSOLUTELY no excuse for police allowing a murder suspect with a gun to go free, no matter what. ANd the idea that some scumbag gets away – even if only temporarily – because he threatens to kill himself – when he deserves to be dead, to begin with … pure insanity.

Gosport | June 21, 2024 at 7:17 pm

So is the FBI now tracking gender dysphoria related mass murders?

Or is still just the guns doing it?

JohnSmith100 | June 21, 2024 at 7:22 pm

It seems that Trans is associated with other nasty traits, mental illness.

henrybowman | June 21, 2024 at 7:38 pm

“When officers found her, court documents said she pulled a gun from her waistband and held it to her head as she walked away from police, and they lost sight of her.”

“”Hold it! The next man makes a move, the freak gets it!””

JimWoo | June 21, 2024 at 8:25 pm

There is no doubt to his guilt. He by his deed has forfeited his humanity. Therefor no right to trial. Hang him in the morning.

Sandra Fluke’s brother.

Paula | June 21, 2024 at 8:45 pm

This is one of those cases where, in hindsight, his mother should’ve had an abortion.

Trans = terrorism

Remember, when your child “transitions,” the schools will hide it in order to protect your mentally ill child from you.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to irv. | June 22, 2024 at 6:45 am

    Yeah. But the outcome is the mentally ill child goes back to the school on many occasions and melts down.

    Unfortunately it’s not the administration that gets unalived, it’s the other students.

BigRosieGreenbaum | June 22, 2024 at 1:00 am

When are these pro tranny people going to admit that taking cross sex hormones adds to the mental illness? It’s just lighting the fire under their insanity.
BTW, I hope Bruce doesn’t flip out and kill Kim K.

henrybowman | June 22, 2024 at 3:31 am

Plus, that “flapper” hairdo is so unflattering.

It’s a mental illness, playing into their mental fantacy doesn’t help anything. He is a male, always will be.
Do wish articles wouldn’t play into their fantacy but that’s just my opinion

diver64 | June 22, 2024 at 6:04 am

He murders 2 people, takes a shot at another and the cops just let this psycho “walk off”? Guess I don’t understand what passes for law enforcement in Utah.
I do know one thing, though. He want’s to be treated like a woman. In prison they will gladly accept the challenge.

E Howard Hunt | June 22, 2024 at 7:22 am

Almost never commented on is that while these creeps compose a tiny fraction of the population they compose a significant portion of Antifa.

guyjones | June 22, 2024 at 8:39 am

The news media’s indulging the murderous tranny’s delusions, by referring to him as “she” and “her,” demonstrates part of the problem with regard to this phenomenon. Trannies’ mental illnesses, malignant narcissism and delusional fantasies are granted undeserved and harmful deference and legitimacy.

guyjones | June 22, 2024 at 8:45 am

Transheuser-Busch-Inbev, Nike, Disney, Apple, Salesforce and their ilk will soon be knocking on the tranny’s cell door, with endorsement deals.

FinbarOS | June 22, 2024 at 9:16 am

The Stepford Trannies … tools of The State.

Ironclaw | June 22, 2024 at 10:09 am

This is why it’s actually more cruel to enable these people’s delusions instead of giving them the help they really need. Reality will never conform to what they want, so the only way to fix it is to teach them to alter their expectations. No matter how much you believe, your sex is still defined by your chromosomes and that’s simply cold, hard facts.

destroycommunism | June 22, 2024 at 1:44 pm

so does the fjb admin (admit) that this is a female murderer?????

joejoejoe | June 22, 2024 at 10:26 pm

Certainly deranged. But there is something else here at wrk as well…

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