Covington Media Smear Fall-out: CNN to be Sued for $250M
Propagating #FakeNews has consequences

In the wake of the disgraceful attacks on Covington Catholic High School students following the release of an edited video, attorneys for Covington student Nicholas Sandmann have promised to hold accountable those they can via legal means.
CNN is the latest to feel the wrath of the unjustly accused and smeared Sandmann, a high schooler attending the Right to Life March who was caught up in an apparent leftist SJW trap.
CNN is likely to be hit with a massive lawsuit worth more than $250 million over alleged “vicious” and “direct attacks” on Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, his lawyer has told Fox News.
Lawyer L. Lin Wood discussed his decision to sue CNN for its reporting and coverage of his client during an interview that will air on Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin” on Sunday at 10 p.m. ET.
“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. And CNN goes into millions of individuals’ homes,” Wood told Fox News host and best-selling author Mark Levin.
“They really went after Nicholas with the idea that he was part of a mob that was attacking the Black Hebrew Israelites, yelling racist slurs at the Black Hebrew Israelites. Totally false.
“Now you say you’ve seen the tape; if you took the time to look at the full context of what happened that day, Nicholas Sandmann did absolutely nothing wrong. He was, as I’ve said to others, he was the only adult in the room. But you have a situation where CNN couldn’t resist the idea that here’s a guy with a young boy, that Make America Great Again cap on. So they go after him.”
Wood continued: “The CNN folks were online on Twitter at 7 a.m retweeting the little one-minute propaganda piece that had been put out. … They’re out there right away going after this young boy. And they maintain it for at least two days. Why didn’t they stop and just take an hour and look through the Internet and find the truth and then report it? Maybe do that before you report the lies.”
The message to leftstream media: Propagating #FakeNews has consequences.

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I hope the suit is successful.
When will the lawsuit against Nathan Phillips, who started it all? I get that his pockets aren’t deep enough to interest the lawyers but, really, he shouldn’t get to walk away from this as if he took no part in it.
Are you saying they should sue him as a public service?! If he has nothing to take there’s no point in suing him.
He’s been rattling that sabre for a while now. It’s about time for some action, isn’t it?
I wish him well but doubt these suits will get far. Even as a private figure (and he may not qualify; there is such a thing as an involuntary public figure), he has to prove that the defendants made factual statements that were objectively false, and that those specific statements caused the damage to him. Attacks on him are opinions, and not actionable.
Not quite that simple. Kentucky recognizes a “false light” doctrine that doesn’t necessarily require that the statement be false. I do think Sandmann’s lawyers have a challenge on their hands, but I wouldn’t assume they’ll fail.
Speech that is not objectively false is constitutionally protected, so KY law can’t hold anyone liable for it.
I for one am curious about the circumstances of Philips being there. He has all of the characteristics of an agent provocateur in those circumstances, and, he had a slew of camera people following him on his march towards the students. So while Philips may not have a resources, I wonder if suing him just for the discovery aspects would quickly point to deeper pockets. He doesn’t strike me as being particularly bright and without a reasonable source for the means to allow him to travel as he does, I bet a money trail could be established quickly. Even a single email or call between Philips and CNN would prove devastating to the defendants in these cases.
I’ve been looking into those details, and yes, Phillips is definitely part of a roving entourage. That’s going to emerge in the court cases.