UPDATE: Reports Come Out That Megyn Kelly is Out at NBC
“I want to begin with two words, I’m sorry..”

Megyn Kelly issued an apology on her show this week after defending the idea of a white person wearing blackface as part of a Halloween costume. Liberals never fully accepted Kelly based on her past work at FOX News. Now her future at NBC is looking bleak.
NBC ran a rerun of an episode this morning and a spokesperson said that her show “Megyn Kelly Today will be on tape the rest of the week.”
The Daily Mail has reported that Megyn Kelly is out at NBC:
Multiple sources have confirmed to DailyMail.com that Megyn Kelly is out at NBC.
This move comes just 48 hours after the embattled host made remarks in which she defended blackface on Today.
Kelly tried to deal with the scandal by delivering a tearful apology on-air and welcoming two black panelists to discuss the fraught and horrifying history of the practice, but it did no good.
‘Megyn Kelly is done. She is not ever coming back,’ said an NBC executive with knowledge of the situation.
‘We are just working out timing of the announcement but mark my word – she is gone and will never be seen on NBC live again.’
The source then added: ‘Here’s the worst part – her deal is a non-break deal – so she walks away with all that money. It’s disgusting and heads should roll here because of it.’
A spokesperson for NBC declined to comment at this time.
And it looks like Kelly could be heading for a homecoming of sorts.
A network news insider tells DailyMail.com that there are tentative conversations underway about Kelly returning to Fox News, whose viewers despise what they perceive as ‘political correctness’ and would likely welcome her back with open arms.
Megyn Kelly did not appear on her show Megyn Kelly Today as the network used a rerun and will do so the rest of the week. From Deadline:
Megyn Kelly did not appear on her 9 AM iteration of Today and don’t look for her tomorrow, as she seeks to return to her harder news roots, after driving another nail into the coffin that is her morning show career this week defending blackface Halloween costumes.
“Given the circumstances, Megyn Kelly Today will be on tape the rest of the week,” a spokesperson told Deadline.
Today, NBC News instead repeated an edition of her show that focused on sleep deprivation.
The Hollywood Reporter said that Kelly’s agency “CAA is no longer working with” her and did not give a reason why. Kelly “has also hired a top Hollywood litigator.” The report continued:
To replace CAA, UTA co-president Jay Sures had been in talks to sign Kelly and had been courting her before Tuesday’s blackface backlash, in which Kelly said on her 9 a.m. show that she didn’t understand why people couldn’t wear blackface on Halloween. Sures is said to have backed out of representing Kelly on Wednesday amid the controversy. A source close to the situation says Sures’ decision came after he made at least one call to NBC News president Noah Oppenheim and had set a meeting with NBC for Friday on Kelly’s behalf.
Then later on Wednesday, Kelly hired attorney Bryan Freedman, one of Hollywood’s top talent-side litigators. The move is a sign that she is gearing up for a fight with NBC that could lead to her exit. She will not appear on the Thursday or Friday episodes of her show, according to sources.
*From earlier:
Shawn Langlois of Marketwatch has the backstory:
Megyn Kelly: What’s so wrong with dressing up in blackface on Halloween?
That’s NBC host Megyn Kelly suggesting during her show on Tuesday perhaps we’ve become too sensitive when it comes to race.
Kelly, who emerged as a major force in the “Santa is white” movement, pondered the loaded ‘what is racist?’ topic with her all-white panel of Melissa Rivers, Jenna Bush Hager and Jacob Soboroff.
The trio didn’t exactly offer much pushback, but, to their credit, they were hesitant to agree with Kelly when she brought up how a member of “The Real Housewives of New York” cast used dark makeup to dress as Diana Ross and later had to apologize for it.
“People said that was racist and I don’t know, I felt like, who doesn’t love Diana Ross?” Kelly said. “She wanted to look like Diana Ross for one day. I don’t know how that got racist on Halloween.”
This short video report from Good Morning America includes the offending clip and the apology Kelly issued on her show a day later:
Her show’s official Twitter feed also released the apology:
“I want to begin with two words, I’m sorry..The country feels so divided and I have no wish to add to that pain and offense. I believe this is a time for more understanding, more love, more sensitivity and honor..Thank you for listening and for helping me listen too.” Megyn Kelly pic.twitter.com/6hHrvZLNvK
— Megyn Kelly TODAY (@MegynTODAY) October 24, 2018
According to Chris Spargo of the Daily Mail, some members of Kelly’s team are already looking for an escape hatch:
EXCLUSIVE: Megyn Kelly’s team is calling rival networks hoping to find the embattled Today host a new home following her blackface scandal – just one year into her $69 million contract
Megyn Kelly appears to be on the hunt for a new place of employment.
Multiple sources at multiple networks tell DailyMail.com that members of Kelly’s team have been in contact about finding a new home for the Today host.
Those networks are not biting though, with one executive at ABC saying: ‘We wouldn’t hire her in a million years. She’s toxic and her personal brand is finished.’…
At the same, an NBC executive tells DailyMail.com that Kelly will not be missed if she does decide to jump ship.
‘That hour used to be a ratings hit with Al Roker and Tamron Hall and it was relatively inexpensive to produce,’ said the executive.
‘Now viewers get to witness the greatest example of white privilege on television. She defended blackface. I mean how is this acceptable in any way? She needs to go.’
Marisa Guthrie of the Hollywood Reporter has more:
Megyn Kelly Expected to End NBC Morning Show
Megyn Kelly is expected to wind down her 9 a.m. Today show hour by the end of the season, a source close to the situation tells The Hollywood Reporter.
Sources tell THR that Kelly has met with network executives in recent weeks to discuss the future of the show and expressed a desire to cover more news and politics. It’s unclear what NBC News would put in place of Kelly’s show. But the discussions are at least an acknowledgement that the experiment is not working and that Kelly would prefer to be covering more news as she did with the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.
Kelly has grappled with hard-news topics, including the #MeToo allegations against a series of powerful men. But her show is in a typically soft daypart, and she has often seemed to chafe at the lighter requirements of the job.
Finally, the Daily Beast is reporting that the network has turned on her:
NBC News Declares War on Megyn Kelly After Blackface Fury
Megyn Kelly is under siege at 30 Rock.
Her comments about wearing blackface for Halloween have been denounced by her colleagues on air. And now the man who lured her to NBC News with a $69 million deal has slammed her to company employees amid new reports Wednesday evening that her daily daytime show is likely to end soon.
“There is no other way to put this, but I condemn those remarks,” NBC News Chairman Andy Lack said at a town hall meeting on Wednesday, according to a transcript provided to The Daily Beast by a source.
“There is no place on our air or in this workplace for them. Very unfortunate.”
Just two years ago, Kelly had the top rated prime time show on FOX News. Now it looks she could soon be out of a job at NBC. Where could she possibly go next?
Featured image via YouTube.

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If blackface is not acceptable then I guess doing black pecker wouldn’t be either.
I think it would depend on your definition of…”Doing”…
Are we talking costume or lifestyle…?
Was it really ‘blackface’? Is simply darkening your skin tone what they mean when they talk about the old-style minstrel ‘blackface’? I’m no Megyn Kelly fan, but this entire thing is absurd.
Hey, I am planning to go as a Jew. I am putting on a big hooked nose. I will carry a matzoh with blood on it and a big roll of money with a $100 bill on the outside and a ones on the inside. Please advise if you see a problem.
You literally have no idea what he said, do you?
Megyn, you ignorant slut! This is so, so, so a propos.
Karma is a beyotch.
My advice to the next generation is to build your career to be resistant to the PC mob and the cultural revolution we seem to be entering. You never know when it will be your turn at the guillotine.
Adam Carolla has a good rant about when he dressed up as Mr T for Halloween. The same perpetually offended crowd tried pulling this crap again.
The PC crocodile might eat you last, but it will eat you.
I guess Blackface is the new “N” word.
Complaining about black face is just another way to try and get over on others, it is black racism.
Today, the most rabid racist group in America are blacks. It is time to start pushing back hard.
I don’t know if they’re the most rabid group or if they just have the most rabid representatives. I think blacks as a group are certainly more tolerant than their figureheads.
Personally, I can’t bring myself to care the square root of sod-all about any of the talking heads in the Lamestream Media. Even Fox has taken a hard left turn recently. I’ve got better things to do with my time.
Never apologize in the face of such manufactured outrage. The perpetually aggrieved will never be satisfied with anything less than total destruction. An apology is the admission of unforgivable guilt and requires the “death” sentence. If one must go down, go down fighting and not wimpering.
But abject, humiliating apology is where the money is. They pay her a lot to be a grovelling white floormat. And they obviously expect to get their money’s worth.
she has a unbreakable contract and i suppose that she fifn’t want to have a ‘show cause’ for NBC to break it.
Your hypothesis is made even more credible by the fact she’s now hired top Hollywood litigator Bryan Freedman to represent her.
Maybe Al Jazeera will have her.
Is Naked News Network still a thing?
Vlad will hire her.
He saw her GQ spread.
She is an embarrassment who should only appear in redface.
She and Ted Danson can commiserate. Oops, he still has a career – sort of, assuming NBC still counts.
I dressed up as fat Albert one year for Halloween, 40 years ago. No one, including blacks thought it was racist.
What about the Waynan brothers who put out a movie dressed as white girls? Made millions. Yeah, they are black and can do anything and it’s not racist.
The world is insane.
I guess you can never be a Supreme Court Justice then, as that incident would surely come up. There is no statute of limitations on such behavior.
I hope you didn’t include fart jokes in your high school year book.
All news show now are simply overpaid anchors talking about their own opinions. Fox News is no different in that regard. But, don’t you dare have an opinion that conflicts with the liberal agenda. That can’t be tolerated.
Now viewers get to witness the greatest example of white privilege on television. She defended blackface.
Oh, so that’s what “white privilege” is.
Do the people who are offended not understand how “discussion panels” work?
If everyone on the panel agrees…there’s not much of a discussion…!!!
Host: Hi, welcome to the show….Blackface?
Panel: Bad…
Host:…Well…ah…Thank You, Good Night…
Or maybe the Al Jolson network.
White Privilege is being responsible for everything and being in control of nothing.
All these white young things who think they’re so woke and can never be lumped in with all those ‘other’ white people soon find out that when you use skin color to make value judgments, eventually someone’s going to do that to you and act on the color you are and not the color you pretend to be. Just as you have been supporting all these years.
So many white liberals are going to get a shock pretty soon. They’ll find out the rules they made DO apply to them.
White privledge is paying for lazy, shiftless people to live and reproduce without doing any work.
It’s bizarre. She stated her opinion that “who doesn’t love Diana Ross?” Then after saying she loved Dinna Ross she said it may be ok to darken your skin on Halloween to resemble her. How is that hateful or disrespectful. Who is harmed by that? Who is truly offended? Who wants to live in a world where you can be fired for stating how you really feel, which is in no way hateful or harmful to anyody?
NBC execs are loons for bowing down to the social media mob.
It’s bizarre. She stated her opinion that “who doesn’t love Diana Ross?” Then after saying she loved Dinna Ross she said it may be ok to darken your skin on Halloween to resemble her. How is that hateful or disrespectful. Who is harmed by that? Who is truly offended? Who wants to live in a world where you can be fired for stating how you really feel, which is in no way hateful or harmful to anyody?
NBC execs are loons for bowing down to the social media mob.
I suppose that there is no difference between “Doing” blackface and “Saying” blackface.
It is so taboo that no one is ever even allowed to think about it. So if Al Sharpton asks what color his face is, no one is allowed to tell him that it is a black face.
Perhaps if Kelly had said that the term “blackface” she used wasn’t “blackface” but “black face”?
Is there anything that is NOT taboo? I mean other than comparisons of Trump to Hitler.
How does this guy count?
Is he a racist.
I wonder what the couple of tattoo laden guys who have actually gone full black face with inking will have to do now. Should they be jailed for it? Removed from society? Or do they get a pass because they are morons?
can an inter racial couple wear their partners face ?
what about their kids ?
I haven’t watched Megan’s video – but the summaries I’ve read don’t sound like she made any definitive statements – rather she asked questions or posed the issue of blackface in a questioning manner. Seems pretty chicken to fire her for that – host of a talk segment whose job it is to ask questions and stimulate conversation.
My feelings about Rosanne’s firing are similar – what she said is you’d get VJ if ‘Planet of the Apes’ and ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ had a child together … people reacted as if she’d actually said ‘an ape and a muslim’ … ‘Planet of the Apes’ refers to an oppressive/enslaving culture/regime and ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ is a political organization … i.e., Roseanne could have meant that VJ was the ideological offspring of 2 oppressive/totalitarian ideologies. If so, her comment wasn’t racist so much as it was ideological and political …
The people in charge ought define “racism” before caving to the wishes of the lynch-mob …
Nonsense…if the race hustler SJWs define it, they lose the “power” to call out anyone they don’t like and condemn them as racist.
It’s kinda like claiming a gluten allergy.
Here’s a good parody for the reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oht9AEq1798
Thanks. I majored in “Nonsense”. Funny video – nowhere is that gluten-free nonsense more comical than the church potluck … to accommodate all the various diets the banquet table offers various gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, vegetarian, non-gmo dishes, and various combinations thereof. Combine them all and you get water – or maybe it’s air – or a black-hole. I forget the food-science of combining all that.
Crap. I used the word “various” 3 times … probably caused by gluten.
Hey everybody, my punk band…”Angry Ol White Guys” just released a NEW SONG…!!!!!
The Ballad Of Megyn Kelly…..(hope you like it)
Blackface backlash…..bring Kelly down…
P.C. whiplash…..Jerkin’ Megyn round….
She said “I’m Sorry” with a tear in her eye…
But the twitter mob laughed and shouted…Kelly, Bye, Bye…!
I don’t give a hoot about Megyn Kelly or her career, or any other entertainment personages, really (she surely didn’t count as a new correspondent, did she?). However, I agree with her comment as quoted. If you’re dressing up for Halloween, you’re putting on a costume of someone you are not. You’re acting a part, for a short time, for fun. Unless the costume and part are in and of themselves deliberately offensive, what’s the harm? Adult masquerade costumes are exaggerated to be fun. Relax and enjoy life a little, people.
Agree…tone deaf idiot SJWs can’t understand the difference between offensive parody and imitation as flattery.
I guess every drag queen that does Tina Turner is a racist too.
Hmmmm, her ratings are low, and we all know that these companies buy bots to support their presence on social media. We also know that celebrities have personal assistants who let contracts for social media. What if … somebody at the company turned its own bots loose on her, and sucked in a bunch of NPCs to pump up the trend?
What if not one single, live, human person participated in this uproar?
It looks like no more Al Jolson on the Saturday movie of the week.
So it looks like the #NeverTrumps are rallying around their fellow #NeverTrumper in stark contrast to the, “private corporations can do whatever they want!” rhetoric they reserve for when people they don’t like get fired. Being on the Left, even if it’s just the cuckservative variety, means never having to worry about principles.
That’s one way to look at it. But try reality – just this once.
As stated above, the show she replaced had better ratings and cost less. Her Sunday show bombed and she wasn’t needed on Olympic coverage – perhaps because she had no expertise in sports. Oh, yeah – she will get to keep the money.
Sure, the decision wasn’t made until she committed a faux pas on her show. But that was just the final nail.
Now which do you think is the factual explanation?