CNN Personality Acosta’s Comments Lead To Cancellation of John Bolton CNN Interview
Media personality Jim Acosta insults his channel right out of a prime interview
We’ve been covering self-serving glory hound and CNN media personality Jim Acosta’s blatantly partisan embrace of the anti-Trump #Resistance Acosta is what happens when regressive leftist “journalists” become so enraptured with themselves that they forget all about the basic tenets of journalism and embrace reality tv status as a sort of birthright.
All the world’s Acosta’s stage, but Acosta’s abrasiveness seems to have alienated the White House, from the president to the press secretary to the National Security Adviser. In fact, NSA head John Bolton’s scheduled appearance on CNN was cancelled.
CNN host Jake Tapper said Saturday that the White House canceled national security adviser John Bolton’s appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” after President Trump’s tense exchange with a network correspondent at a Friday press conference.
Tapper tweeted that Bolton was scheduled to appear on the Sunday show and “remains fully prepared to do the interview but the White House has canceled it.”
Tapper cited Trump’s refusal to take a question from CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta during a press conference in London on Friday. He called the network “fake news” at the time.
Actually a @CNN reporter disrespected @POTUS & PM May during their press conf. Instead of rewarding bad behavior, we decided to reprioritize the TV appearances for administration officials.
— Kayleigh McEnany 45 Archived (@PressSec45) July 14, 2018
Ultimately, the president has dismissed CNN as #FakeNews yet again. Acosta will likely recover, but he and CNN may well part ways. After all, what’s stopping CNN from discovering that its boorish media personality schtick is tiresome to everyone . . . except Acosta?
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well, their half dozen watchers seem to like it. 😎
Keep in mind, half their ratings are from people watching MSDNC who die from a rage induced stroke, and the guys from the coroner’s office bump the remote to CNN when they’re carrying the body out.
He’s a-costa CNN viewers!
The last vestiges of real journalism died a sad and lonely death long ago on CNN, It is now nothing but a shill for extereme leftist propaganda.
Ha that last vestiges died before I was born. After I heard how much of a scum Walter Cronkite was, I discovered that there never was “real” journalism. Freedom of the press is all about free speech and being able to say what you want without government interference. With PC, we have lost our 1st amendment rights.
No, you haven’t. You cam still say whatever you like without government interference, even really offensive things, which is why Jim Acosta hasn’t been arrested and CNN hasn’t been shut down. The “PC police” aren’t the government, even under 0bama, let alone now.
You are be confusing the concept of Free Speech with the 1st Amendment.
All apples are fruits. But fruits are more than just apples.
No, you are confusing them. MarkSmith claimed that we’d lost our 1st amendment rights, specifically defined as being able to say what we want without government interference, and the fact is we haven’t lost that. All the would-be censors we face are private actors.
“You cam still say whatever you like without government interference…”
Baloney. The Dept of Injustice hate crimes dept will charge you whenever they feel like it.
The government constantly interferes with free speech. Just check out how quick they’ll shut down a conservative political event / demonstration after they send their prog rioters in to create havoc.
The government constantly interferes with free speech. Just check out how quick they’ll shut down a conservative speaker at a state supported university…
Garbage. There is no such department, and speech is not a crime, so how could it be a hate crime?
The government does not interfere with free speech. Any time an individual government official does, legal action follows immediately, just like when a government official interferes with any other right.
The problem is that they media has named themselves ‘the press’ and taken extra special speech rights unto themselves instead of ‘freedom of the press’ meaning what it literally meant which was ‘the freedom to have your views published and distributed’. Not the special right of Jim Acosta to be a jackass without consequence’. Not the special rights of abccbsmsnbccnnfox. Rights of each and every citizen.
Yes, this. They also arrogate to themselves the title “fourth estate”, without having a clue what it means.
” You cam still say whatever you like without government interference”
Really? So when someone uses a slur in NYC and they’re brought up in front of the NYC Human Rights Council for saying a bad word that’s not government interference?
And these instances of people being **convicted** in a court of law of saying bad words isn’t government interference:
Do you even think about what you type before doing a Google search?
That does not happen. It has never happened and there is no law under which it could happen.
Neither is an example of the PC interference of which MarkSmith complained. Nor is either an example of government interference with the content of expression. Both examples are of long-standing content-neutral laws governing the manner in which one expresses oneself, applying standards that were absolutely universal not so long ago, but which have unfortunately fallen by the wayside today.
Remember that the first amendment does not prevent government from imposing reasonable neutral restrictions on the time, place, and manner of expression. You can say whatever you like, but not at 3 AM, at 70 dB, on a residential street. If you do you will be arrested no matter what it is that you are saying, and the first amendment will not protect you. The same applies to content-neutral laws against swearing. So long as they are applied equally to all speech, whether the government approves of it or not, they ought to pass muster.
Must be some good sh*t, eh? Please tell your Utopian fantasies to the Chicago Parks cop in recent news.
What are you talking about? Which cop, and what news?
PC is the attempt by extra-legal means (i.e., by non-government actors) to suppress speech someone doesn’t want said, not by the threat of legal penalties but by noise, intimidation, harassment, or physical violence.
Exactly. Thanks for the support. It’s nice to know some people haven’t been swept away by the hysteria.
For me the final straw was when I realized the MSM had devolved into complete and total fiction. There was a time when you could still read between the lines like the Russians did with Pravda. Comrade Lynsken is retiring to spend more time with his grandkids. Party Leader Motole’s name has been removed from all plaques and statuary. Comprende.
But somewhere in the last decade, the MSM’s reporting became so fake that the energy/reward ratio of shifting through the propaganda returned zero value. I’m a vociferous reader, my degree is in English Literature. I set aside time for “information brokers” because knowledge is power, and I likewise set aside time for fiction as an entertaining sorbet. But I don’t have time waste on fiction when I need information. And I prefer my fiction to be about steamy sex and stompy robots, of even steamy robots and stompy sex, but not coma inducing drama of Russian collusion or Congressional hearings.
In a previous life I once said: if your stock broker lied to you about Enron, would you still use him? And yet people still tune into information brokers like CNN and the NYTs.
Other than election returns and some YouTube clips via website like this, AceSpades and Insty, I haven’t watch local or cable news in 4 years. And not only have I missed nothing, I’m better informed and don’t waste time chasing the ghosts of squirrels everytime MeAgain needs to fund work on her boobs.
This doesn’t have anything to do with Don Lemon’s black hole does it? I haven’t turned a television on for months and months, but I would hate to hear bad news about Don Lemon’s black hole not being ASSociated with CNN story telling.
Refusal to take a question from CNN when it was another news organization’s turn. Tapper is glossing over that little detail. Acosta bullies his own peers.
Tapper I’d like to say that I am fresh out of TS chits where CNN is concerned. But that would be lie. I lost patience with CNN long ago–the only play I watch it at all (and walk on by as hurriedly as possible) is in airports, Acosta has been playing the rude jerkoff card too long.
I wish we would stop trying to reform the media. So many conservative articles read like “if only CNN would change their ways” as if a few favorable reports and interviews would set the clock back to normal.
She’s a whore. You will never restore her grace and innocence. She’s not just frisky, she didn’t just sleep around before the engagement. She’s a whore and a crackhead who had sex with at least a dozen men every day at $20 an hour. And our main concern is whether she should wear white to the wedding? Are you kidding me? Right now she’s in with your best man scoring a hit for a blow job. The future mother of your children? No. She’s a whore. Cut to the chase, kick her to the curb, she’s spent most her nights there already.
Stop normalizing the media. Stop trying to reform them. Stop responding to them as if they are anything more than the nosey fishwife gossip that lives down the lane.
President Trump should just remove CNN from the White House press pool for the rest of his 2-6 year term. That’s another example of the Object Lessons that are much needed to modify behavior.
Excellent points but, maybe they are tripling down on stupid/rude because they want to get kicked out of the WH press room. Ratings boost? Could they be that desperate?
Obama tried to remove Fox, every network stepped up and said no.
The WH just needs to revoke Acosta’s credentials, not CNN’s.
Message sent, perhaps not received, but sent.
Thank you, Fen.
Good for President Trump, a reckoning is long overdue for CNN, MSNBC the NYT, Washington Post, Reuters, etc. Each of these media outlets pride themselves on being part of the ‘resistance’ … Fair enough, they made their choice. Time to own it.
Its past time Party shops like CNN and the #NeverTrump, Establishment advocates they employ were called out for the open hostility and bias they show our President and his supporters. They should all stop calling themselves Journalists because they stopped being Journalists and Reporters the instant they took sides, on or off camera.
Deeds matter _ what do they do?
“After all, what’s stopping CNN from discovering that its boorish media personality schtick is tiresome to everyone . . . except Acosta?”
I suggest that this reasonable question is based on two implicit assumptions that are not true:
1) CNN makes decisions based on what is good for CNN from a business perspective. — I think decisions are based on what is good for moving the narrative forward. Acosta does as Acosta is told to do. He will be discarded when he is no longer sufficiently useful to the narrative.
2) CNN makes decisions in isolation of the narrative. — If you see the consistency of the message (right down to the same words) across many media and political outlets and see the coordination of both roles and timing across those outlets, it is clear that there is a Central Committee.
CNN will do as CNN is told to do with Acosta. It is a political decision made by the Central Committee (maybe Mr. Big for you old Rocky fans) and it is not a business decision made by CNN. What draws flys in one context feeds the narrative in another context (to twist what every farmer knows).
I’m guessing your reference to the capitalized “Central Committee” is partly or mostly being snarky. But I agree that it appears that there is narrative that permeates the media almost verbatim. However, to me it just seems to be how the media does its job (very poorly). The same phenomena happens when there is a big Noreaster’ or whatever. For days the same tagline and narrative is repeated no matter what you tune into.
Also, although many investors might say it’s bad business, I think CNN in fact IS acting in their perceived best business interest. Along the lines of ESPN (and hence Disney, the owner), CNN has made a decision to avoid the rage of the liberal mob. The absence of boycotts or having to respond to all of the “ism” and other accusations (like racsim) is perhaps well worth the drop in audience. They are maybe literally afraid of that. ESPN resisted for a while, but eventually caved in the last 4 or 5 years.
Are you trying to gaslighting us? That’s offensive.
Causeal: “I’m guessing your reference to the capitalized “Central Committee” is partly or mostly being snarky.”
Snarky or not, anyone who is informed re media bias immediately reflected back to Journo List 1.0, a listserve of “journalists” that was outed and busted for secretly coordinating media narratives to give their propaganda more reach.
Do you think it coincidence when you find the exact same talking points on the LA Times and NYTs opeds on the same day? Do you think these collaborators didn’t slink back to create a JournoList 2.0, this time with a bit more internal security?
Casual: “However, to me it just seems to be how the media does its job (very poorly).”
Gaslighting. Bad refs make bad calls that randomly affect both sides. Corrupt refs made bad calls that routinely affect one side. 99.99% of the media “mistakes” benefit the Left.
Just a recent example:
“Identical letters appear in 21 newspapers across 12 states slamming Trump’s Supreme Court pick – and they’re all signed by different people.”
So Jeff Zucker is “Fearless Leader”?
I am so tired of people like Acosta behaving very badly with their hateful and insulting behavior and then, when they face the consequences, they proclaim how unfair it is for they did nothing. They demand to be the victim while never being responsible for their own reprehensible behavior.
What you describe is representative of some segments of today’s society. The kinds of people who instigate a confrontation and then post video of it to YouTube proclaiming their victim status.
“I am so tired of people like Acosta behaving very badly with their hateful and insulting behavior and then, when they face the consequences, they proclaim how unfair it is for they did nothing. They demand to be the victim while never being responsible for their own reprehensible behavior.”
This cowardly technique is used by every person or entity except white men. No criticism is allowed of any minority by a credible white male no matter the reason and the race/antiwhatever card will be played against the white male every time. obama got away with so many crimes simply because he was black. Look at Maxine Waters to see living proof that if a white male said what she has/is saying he would be jailed. The odious Representative from TN, Cohen, who recently said that Strozk should get the Purple Heart medal is white and had to apologize. Do you think Cory Booker or Kamala Harris would have had to apologize? This is not just the msm it is the entire left!
It is about time that something like this occurs. The R’s that go on these liberal MSM networks get played, almost always. These R’s tend liberal and think this makes them look good. They are only stooges. Even if Bolton would win arguments, it would be spun against him and the administration. 🙂
The battle between the WH and other news organizations is fair and brought on mostly by the organizations’ actions. Still, calling them “the enemy me of the people” is a step to far in the hyperbolic direction for me. Denying a question to Acosta is fine.
Removing any organization from the population of the press like routine conferences should only be reserved for the most extreme and dangerous cases. Removing RT as a bad state actor would make sense, for example. Otherwise, let a news organization remain as they are more likely to expose their bias and lack of professionalism without doing any more harm than they would were they not allowed. Maybe a little less.
I don’t think “enemies of the people” is at all hyperbolic. They knowingly harm the body politic by convincing people of things that aren’t true.
It’s exactly the wrong way to highlight bias and selective editing that they execute nearly every day. Calling them the enemy of the people is no different than calling Trump voters deplorables. It only makes each side more entrenched. It’s hyperbolic.
“no different than”
I disagree. Criticism of the media is the same as criticizing a public figure. Us deplorables are private figures.
A better example would be comparing criticism of media to criticism of the NRA or NAACP.
The MSM are basically Democrat operatives, closer to lobbyist than reporter. They should be forced to abide by campaign finance laws.
Or did you simply mean it’s a bad tactic? Not that’s it out of bounds?
I also think that if there wasn’t truth behind the accusation of then it wouldn’t have taken hold. Remember, the “fake news” moniker was first created by the MSM, so how did they end up wearing it? Because they were spitting into the wind.
Thanks Millhouse. This may have seemed so obvious to you that there was little need to speak on it, but I’m glad you did. More please.
When an organisation incites its followers to harm others based solely on their political beliefs the MAKES them the enemy of the people.