Trump says “Liddle’ Adam Schiff, the leakin’ monster of no control” is “finally right about something”
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Trump says “Liddle’ Adam Schiff, the leakin’ monster of no control” is “finally right about something”

Trump says “Liddle’ Adam Schiff, the leakin’ monster of no control” is “finally right about something”

He’s not wrong

“Liddle’ Adam Schiff, the leakin’ monster of no control” might be Trump’s best nickname yet. But nicknames aside, Trump gave Rep. Adam Schiff, his Russia/collusion arch nemesis a backhanded compliment Sunday.

Friday, the Department of Justice indicted 13 Russian nationals and 3 Russian entities. The DOJ also concluded that there was no willing or knowing collusion between an American citizen and Russian operatives nor did Russia’s feeble efforts to disrupt the 2016 election move the dial in any meaningful way.

Deputy AG Rosenstein was quite clear, “There is no allegation in the indictment that any American was a knowing participant in the alleged unlawful activity,” adding “There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”

Nevertheless, Rep. Adam Schiff, who claimed there was “ample evidence” that the Trump campaign colluded with Russian agents, completely ignored Rosenstein, and continued to suggest Trump associates were guilty:

Sunday, Schiff changed his tune, saying maybe, just maybe, the Obama administration bears some responsibility here, seeing as they were aware Russia was planning to cause trouble but did nothing to prevent it.

Leading Trump to respond as Trump responds:

If ever there was a time when Trump’s braggadocio is warranted, it’s now. For over a year he and his ever-ambiguous ‘campaign associates’ have been accused of intentionally conspiring with Russia. A lengthy (and costly) investigation found no evidence to corroborate the accusations, all of which were based on inaccurate leaks, wish-casting, and supposition.

If we must carry on about Russia and their minimal electoral interference, if we can even call it that at this point, perhaps we should turn our focus to what the Obama administration knew and when they knew it.


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Schiff For Brains should crawl back under his leaker rock

regulus arcturus | February 19, 2018 at 2:16 pm

Schiff is a vile disgusting leftist weenie.

He is very clearly hiding something.

I dare anyone that has a clue about Cybersecurity to review his videos on CSPAN. I have been calling him out since Jan. of last year that he is hiding behind his Hollyweird donors and DOD Contractors.

He has 519 videos out there. Here is the video that I concluded he is full of Schiff.

From the lips of Roger Stone:

“Schiff assumed that Feinstein was not going to run again and he felt that he was the heir apparent,” he said. “When she decided to run again, the progressives were unhappy, which is why DeLeon jumped into the race.”

A Senator who wasn’t too swift
Though bug-eyed, thought he was God’s gift
He looked high and low
For where the Russkies did go
But alas, he never found Schiff

One place I would look in to is Parsons, one of his biggest donors early in his career.

Well I was looking for Mueller Parsons connect but I found this instead:

Coalition for Integrity Honors U.S. Senator John McCain with 2017 Integrity Award, Parsons Corporation with Corporate Leadership Award

It gets better too:

Coalition for Integrity, a non-partisan, non-profit organization working to combat corruption and promote transparency in the United States and around the world, today announced that U.S. Senator John McCain is the recipient of the 2017 CFI Integrity Award for his steadfast support of laws that support transparency and foster more integrity and accountability in government. The award will be presented to Senator McCain on November 29 at CFI’s Integrity Awards Dinner in Washington, D.C.

Schiff blinked first. Can you imagine what life would be like for republicans/conservatives if the Democrats had a feisty, 900 pound gorilla like Donald Trump with a dedicated Democrat media army at his back? There wouldn’t be enough rocks to hide behind.

JusticeDelivered | February 19, 2018 at 6:13 pm

Russian interference was minimal, what the far Left has done with it amounts to treason. I am not particularly happy with either party, but at this point my disrespect for the Democratic party is at least an order of magnitude greater. The scope of Democratic stupidity is staggering.

    4th armored div in reply to JusticeDelivered. | February 19, 2018 at 7:52 pm

    1 of the problems is always calling (D) as ‘democratic’ there is nothing democratic about them – calling the Democrat is ok but adding the ‘ick’ is a true description of it since LBJ.

      The Republicans then should be called Republicanic?

      I despise the twisted use of the word, as if to mean that the Democrats are somehow more democratic ….or something

How can someone who leaks so frequently be on an intelligence committee? Yank his clearance and boot him off. This is ridiculous.

Hey KEMBERLEE, this one is for you and your dumpster fire picture.

CNN goes dumpster diving in St. Petersburg, Russia. About the one minute mark of the embedded video.

Schiff last Wednesday: “I have proof of Trump colluding with Russia”

Schiff last Thursday: “Well, not really ‘proof'”

Schiff last Friday: “I ‘think’ we have proof”

Schiff today: “Proof ‘may’ be coming”

Rev Jim was my favorite character on Taxi.

The Democrat Party of the United States.

Wish-casting Since 1828.