Law Enforcement: ‘No Known Ties’ Between Florida Shooter and White Nationalist Group
Looks like ADL and media were duped by publicity-seeking group leader.
This is why it’s so hard to report or even follow a fluid situation. While the leader of this nationalist group said Florida shooter Nikolas Cruz belonged to the group, it’s important to remember these people, like ISIS, long to remain in the spotlight and take credit for tragedies.
Of course the media showed its eagerness to show that Cruz belonged to a racist group, but it turns out he never belonged.
Authorities never confirmed a link between Cruz and the nationalist group Republic of Florida (ROF). This is why we at Legal Insurrection never wrote about it. From USA Today:
Hours after news outlets around the nation reported Cruz’s alleged ties, Leon County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Lt. Grady Jordan told the Tallahassee Democrat investigative work did not yield any connections.
“We are still doing some work but we have no known ties between the ROF, Jordan Jereb or the Broward shooter,” Jordan said.
The leader of this disgusting group, Jordan Jereb, has a history of seeking out the limelight.
Jordan Jereb is the white nationalist telling media outlets the #Parkland shooter trained with his group.
A 2014 SPLC report on Jereb said he “flooded us with pleas for attention” and that he wanted to use the SPLC to build his “outlaw image”.
He is not a quality source.
— Far Left Watch (@FarLeftWatch) February 15, 2018
It’s also important to take the Anti-Defemation League (ADL), who reported this information first, with a grain of salt in these situations. When we showed Professor Jacobson the ADL report, he reminded us that just because this leader claimed the ties and the ADL ran with it, doesn’t make it official. He also said you have to be wary of groups claiming credit to get publicity and it’s in the ADL’s interest to promote the right-wing angle while they remain silent when an incident is Islamic related. Of course the ADL is trying to deflect responsibility:
A spokesman for the ADL, which first reported the supposed tie between the ROF and Cruz, told HuffPost on Thursday that “it is for law enforcement to 100% confirm that he was a part of this group.”
“Given what we found today and the timing of the case, there is no doubt the information raises a red flag and should be investigated further,” the spokesman said.
No, maybe you should investigate it further. Or if you really believe that law enforcement should do it then why not pass it to them and let them do JUST THAT before publishing the information. JUST SAYIN.
The Southern Poverty Law Center wrote that last year, Michael Tubbs, a leader of another Florida hate group, described Jereb as a “nut job who should be avoided” and a guy that “never misses a photo op.” HuffPo even noted that “members of an ‘alt-right’ white supremacist forum claimed the entire story was an attention-grab by Jereb, or possibly a hoax aimed at tricking media outlets into pushing a false narrative.”
Those members may have a point because HuffPo wrote that ABC spoke to some of Cruz’s classmates who claimed that he belonged to the group and seen with Jereb. A member of a white supremacist forum “posted screenshots of an ABC reporter messaging a user named ‘Ethan’ on Instagram asking for information about Cruz.” This guy told ABC he attended rallies with ROF and he even saw Cruz speaking with Jereb in person.”
HuffPo reached out to ABC, which did not respond for a comment on how the outlet reported this story or how the reported “verified the identities of Cruz’s former classmates.”
But this isn’t important, right? It’s more important to drive your agenda despite the fact that this man slaughtered 17 people in cold blood. No, political points are WAY more important.
Jereb claimed that Cruz “participated in the group’s paramilitary drills in Tallahassee” and even “carpooled to the training exercises with other members of the group.”
First off, Tallahassee should have been the first clue that Jereb was not telling the truth. As HuffPo points out, Tallahassee is 430 miles away from Parkland, FL.
The Leon County Sheriff’s Office also announced that authorities could not find any connections between Cruz and ROF. HuffPo couldn’t find any instances that Cruz interacted with the group or anyone
Once the lies caught up to him, Jereb was like, “Oh, my bad! We have many guys with the name Nicholas.” Yeah, um, except this guy spells his name Nikolas.
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What Law Enforcement really was thinking:
“MSM go home you are drunk”
Seriously, Trump has been baiting the media all year and the MSM has been chomping down hard.
Now, I’m a slow learner so I can relate, but REALLY? After a year of Trump trolling them the MSM falls for a 4chan troll that a guy named Cruz is a member of a White Supremacy movement?
(in best Stan voice) Really? REALLY?
….and why didn’t I find a way to make a few bucks off these media idiots?
No kidding. ‘Anonymous sources’ seems to often include 4-chan trolls (exp: peepee dossier). Apparently nobody thought it was odd that a white supremacist would be an Hispanic who shot mostly white people.
the MFM fell for a 4chan troll… again.
thank G*d the autists are on our side.
I saw a screen cap of the 4chan conversations last night. Some of them are even worried they might have gone too far with this one
Someone on 4chan worrying about “going too far????” HA HA HA HA HA that’s a good one!!!!
If it gives the MFM a black eye 4-chan is 4-it
The best summary I’ve seen of 4Chan is that “it’s where Aspergers goes to get Weaponized.”
I look at it once in a while – it’s got some funny stuff, cutting edge stuff, but damn those guys are all complete a-holes. And they revel in it.
Oh THAT gave me a good laugh. You’re right, that is the best summary of 4Chan. Thanks.
Why would a ” white nationalist” talk to the ADL in the first place
And why would they have a member with the name Nikolas deJesus Cruz on their roster?
also.. why does the media leave out his middle name? Because it’s not Wayne or Lee?
I scratched my head when I heard that a teen with a latino/hispanic named like “Cruz” was supposedly a white nationalist.
The Seattle Times went from having this be the GIANT spread on their website to …vapor. No correction or update of why it was. They’d like to just pretend they didn’t get trolled.
When I saw it I thought- wow, wouldn’t the Kiwana’s, Elks, Freemasons and every other group in existence like to have the organizational skills of these so-called “White Nationalist” groups? Not since the South Beach diet fad has anything been sweeping the nation with such vigor.
Odd since these alledgedly repugnant values are so contrary- but in drilling into MSM definition of white nationalist and white nationalist group is anyone who voted for Trump. This of course makes you a White Nationalist and any group they might belong to is therefore a “white nationalist” group. My old 4-H club…white nationalist. My little league team from grade school… also white nationalist. Band camp….white nationalist.
MSM= weaponized stupidity with a fat layer of vitriol.
Gotta give Ben Rhodes credit when it’s due – the press are a bunch of 27-year olds who know nothing.
Ssssh. Hand on a sec, guys. The media just walked in to lecture us about “common sense” gun control. Everyone look serious and nod along intently. Listen to the smart crowd talk about the shoulder rocket thingy that goes up.
First one to lose it is buying next round.
They weren’t “duped.” The one group had an incentive to lie and get publicity for themselves, and the media had an incentive to pretend to believe it because it fit their narrative.