Debbie in Denial: Stands by sketchy Pakistani IT aide
“I believe that I did the right thing, and I would do it again”

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is in the middle of a spreading scandal over her use of Pakistani IT aides, who were given access to the computers of numerous Democrat politicians and the DNC.
Shultz retained those aides, in particular Imran Awan, right up to the time Awan was arrested while trying to flee the country. Congressional Republicans have called for Wasserman Schultz to testify about the relationship.
Kimberley Strassel notes that this is The Scandal That Matters:
Yes, it is weird that Ms. Wasserman Schultz continued to shield Imran Awan to the end. Yes, the amounts of money, and the ties to Pakistan, are strange. Yes, it is alarming that emails show Imran Awan knew Ms. Wasserman Schultz’s iPad password, and that the family might have had wider access to the accounts of lawmakers on the House Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees.
Yet even if this never adds up to a spy thriller, it outranks most of the media’s other obsessions. The government, under the inattentive care of Democrats, may have been bilked for ages by a man the FBI has alleged to be a fraudster. That’s the same government Democrats say is qualified to run your health care, reform your children’s schools, and protect the environment. They should explain this first.
Wasserman Schultz has been quiet about the scandal, until now. In an interview with the Sun-Sentinel, Debbie denied any wrongdoing and stands by her decisions:
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz defiantly stands by her decision to keep an information technology aide on her payroll for six months after he was banned from the House network and fired by other members of Congress.
“I believe that I did the right thing, and I would do it again,” Wasserman Schultz said Thursday in an exclusive interview with the Sun Sentinel. “There are times when you can’t be afraid to stand alone, and you have to stand up for what’s right.
“It would have been easier for me to just fire him,” she said….
And, she said, she believes he may have been put under scrutiny because of his religious faith. Awan is Muslim….
“I had grave concerns about his due process rights being violated,” she said. “When their investigation was reviewed with me, I was presented with no evidence of anything that they were being investigated for. And so that, in me, gave me great concern that his due process rights were being violated. That there were racial and ethnic profiling concerns that I had,” she said….
Wasserman Schultz said the Awan case is getting so much attention from conservative media outlets because they’re attempting to distract people from the investigation into whether President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election. “Any opportunity they can to pull people’s eyes and ears away from that they take.”
Luke Rosiak at The Daily Caller, who had been ahead of everyone in investigating Awan, reports on the latest denial:
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz never actually saw the computer she fought to block the Capitol Police from examining as evidence in a criminal case against her IT aide by saying it was hers, she told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel Thursday.
She threatened “consequences” on May 18 for the chief of the Capitol Police unless the laptop was returned — despite police contending it was needed to help determine whether a staffer may have violated the House’s cybersecurity.
“This was not my laptop. I have never seen that laptop. I don’t know what’s on the laptop,” she said Thursday. She said it was Imran’s laptop but purchased using taxpayer funds from her office.
After the exchange with Capitol Police Chief Matthew Verderosa, Wasserman Schultz fought to block access to the laptop so vehemently that she hired an outside law firm to argue constitutional issues, an exceedingly rare step.
To say Wasserman Schultz doesn’t get it would be a huge understatement.
Republicans need to push hard on this, because the mainstream media won’t and the Democrats will circle the wagons.

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So you’re saying the Pakistanis tried to “hack the election” to help the Democrats…
Let’s all start spreading that rumor around and see how long we can make it stick!
I love the fact she thinks that because the crime could not be defined, the “investigation” was suspect. When did this ever stand in the way of The Deep State, eh Mueller?
Actually, the crimes are very easy to define:
– Espionage
– Blackmail
– Wire Fruad
…and probably a few I left out. I’m not a lawyer.
Let’s add obstruction of justice.
This would be the simplest crime to prove and it is something done directly by DWS, not an aide.
More Kabuki Theater. Nothing will come of this, like nothing ever becomes of any of the illegal and unethical behavior that permeates Washington DC.
“I believe that I did the right thing, and I would do it again”
Sounds like a John Wilkes Booth defense.
It’s a common mistake which I try to avoid … but I’m starting to think that in this case, DWS really is every bit as dumb as she looks.
Debbie can cell mate with Hillary.
Imran has a hold on a virtual part of Debbie’s anatomy. She does not want him put into the position where he might consider a deal. She does not have any good options at this point. But, one option must have some very bad consequences as her current path is her “best” option I suspect.
You mean Debbie doesn’t want to do Arkancide??????
“To say Wasserman Schultz doesn’t get it would be a huge understatement.”
I think that she gets “it” perfectly well. What “it” is remains to be determined, but “it” was worth threatening the Capitol Police publicly and paying off a criminal family to keep hushed up.
Ha. More like the Russia nonsense is a diversion – in this case, away from Whattaface Schultz and whatever criminality the Dems are sweeping under the rug with the MSM abetting them in their constant, ongoing coverups.
“I believe I did the right thing, and now my squadron of lawyers are trying to figure out how to keep me out of jail for doing that right thing…”
It’s gotta be sex. That much blind allegiance is nearly always sex. If it were blanket treason, she would have distanced herself more personally from the whole deal.
Climbing into the sack with dws? As my mom used to say, “I’d rather go out back and eat worms.”
From what I know, those Pakistani and their brethren(of all nationalities) are well known to use sex with “girl friends” to achieve their ends.
Well, they do like goats.
How can someone so bereft of decency and morals rise to such a station? In the Democrat Party!
Part of the function of criminal organizations is to weed out anyone with a conscience. Only the worst are qualified to rise.
Same thing happened with the Communists.
You answered your own question. lol
I believe you did the right thing too, Debbie…for the GOP.
“When their investigation was reviewed with me, I was presented with no evidence of anything that they were being investigated for.” – Blabbermouth.
Well, duh. Of course she was not presented with the evidence. Investigators typically save the evidence for a grand jury or the court. Besides, at that point no one knew she was not part of the scheme.
No, I think Blabbermouth is just saying nice things about the Paki scammers in hopes her loyalty to them will keep her online secrets from being sent over to Wikileaks or worse.
Why weren’t black Americans hired for these very very well paid jobs? Dems don’t care them, actually.
Of course she would do it again when she faces no consequence for doing it in the first place.
This pig is laughing in our faces just as she did when the whole “Let’s screw Bernie” thing came out.
How does it feel America?
“It would have been easier for me to just fire him,” she said.
Sure debbie, we believe you actually had scruples. Sure you lying witch.
If the laptop was purchased using taxpayer funds, then it is government property as doesn’t belong to Wasserman-Schultz, or Imran.
You’d think that a member of Congress would know that.
Schult is doubling down on the big lie theory.
Either that, or she has hope for a second sexual encounter.
Shes jealous of michelle obama, who has gotten lai twice.
Sooner or later the people of this country will put an end to the
pass that the Dems have been giving to themselves for decades now.
It might be that his will happen via the ballot box. Let’s hope that will be the case. ‘Cause, if it does not happen via ballot, it must happen via bullet.