VIDEO: Macron Bizarrely Meanders Through G20 Leaders To Stand Next To Trump
G-20 leaders’ group photo gets really awkward

French president Emmanuel Macron left his assigned spot during the G-20 leaders’ photo-op, and made his way down to the front row and placed himself next to President Trump.
The Telegraph reports:
French President Emmanuel Macron left his position during the family picture to place himself next to US President Donald Trump as German Chancellor Angela Merkel watched on.
Starting off near the back of the G20 group Mr Macron appeared to lose his way, before an aide tried to direct him to his spot.
. . . . Mr Macron jostled and kissed his way to the front in an awkward reshuffle.
He finally joined Trump on the far left fringe at the G20 summit leaders’ group photo . . . . Or the far right, depending on which way you look at it.

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Ha! Looks like Joko Widodo, the guy I call Obama’s Mini-Me, ended up next to President Trump.
Kind of ironic.
The close-up of Putin’s face is priceless! He wanted his own mini-me. 😛
Oh come on now! Let’s be fair to poor President Macron. Everybody has been telling him all year that NOBODY can stand President Trump, and he was just trying to keep him from feeling shunned.
Surely that must be the explanation…
Textbook weasel move.
Much ado about….rien.
When taking group photos, G20 members line up according to predetermined order, with the heads of state in the front row, and the most senior of them in the middle front.
That’s why Trump was at the left edge of the first row, until Macron–who took office more recently than Trump—wound up at the extreme left.
Bottom line: much ado about….rien.
A nothingbaguette.
(prime ministers are generally not heads of state)