Hillary campaign memoir “What Happened” unintended self-parody
Will she explain how the Russians and Comey tricked her into ignoring Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania?

When I saw the book cover and title to Hillary Clinton’s campaign memoir circulating on Twitter, I assumed it was a photoshop.
It wasn’t.
CBS News reports:
For the first time since her stunning 2016 presidential election defeat to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton reveals personal details of the unprecedented campaign through her tell-all book “What Happened.”
Publisher Simon & Schuster says the memoir, due out Sept. 12, details Clinton’s experience of becoming the first woman nominated for president by a major party during an historic election “marked by rage, sexism, exhilarating highs and infuriating lows, stranger-than-fiction twists, Russian interference, and an opponent who broke all the rules.”
In the introduction of the novel, Clinton writes: “In the past, for reasons I try to explain, I’ve often felt I had to be careful in public, like I was up on a wire without a net. Now I’m letting my guard down.”
According to Simon & Schuster, Clinton also addresses the “challenges of being a strong woman in the public eye, the criticism over her voice, age, and appearance, and the double standard confronting women in politics.”
It sounds like a pity party. Perhaps the title should have been “What Happened to Hillary Clinton.”
The description for the Amazon page reads:
For the first time, Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals what she was thinking and feeling during one of the most controversial and unpredictable presidential elections in history. Now free from the constraints of running, Hillary takes you inside the intense personal experience of becoming the first woman nominated for president by a major party in an election marked by rage, sexism, exhilarating highs and infuriating lows, stranger-than-fiction twists, Russian interference, and an opponent who broke all the rules. This is her most personal memoir yet.
In these pages, she describes what it was like to run against Donald Trump, the mistakes she made, how she has coped with a shocking and devastating loss, and how she found the strength to pick herself back up afterward. With humor and candor, she tells readers what it took to get back on her feet—the rituals, relationships, and reading that got her through, and what the experience has taught her about life. She speaks about the challenges of being a strong woman in the public eye, the criticism over her voice, age, and appearance, and the double standard confronting women in politics.
She lays out how the 2016 election was marked by an unprecedented assault on our democracy by a foreign adversary. By analyzing the evidence and connecting the dots, Hillary shows just how dangerous the forces are that shaped the outcome, and why Americans need to understand them to protect our values and our democracy in the future.
The election of 2016 was unprecedented and historic. What Happened is the story of that campaign and its aftermath—both a deeply intimate account and a cautionary tale for the nation.
The Hill reports that the focus is heavily on blaming the Russians and Jim Comey:
Hillary Clinton’s upcoming book will double down on Russia’s interference and James Comey’s involvement in her stunning election defeat, according to sources familiar with the memoir.
Privately, Clinton has told friends and longtime associates that she “wants the whole story out there” as she rushes to tweak and put the finishing touches on the book due out in September.
“She really believes that’s why she lost, and she wants to explain why in no uncertain terms,” one longtime ally said. “She wants the whole story out there from her own perspective. I think a lot of people are going to be really surprised by how much she reveals.”
The ally said the book of personal essays will be a “bombshell.”
I wonder if she’ll explain how the Russians and Comey tricked her into ignoring Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

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OMG this is hilarious.
“Tombstone Ad”
is what that cover is like…….
“Tombstone ads are typically unadorned text, black on white, often enclosed in a simple box, with a centered headline and a number of lines in the body of the ad, usually also centered. The name originates from their similarity in appearance to the text on a tombstone (headstone) grave marker.”
Hillary – the joke that keeps on giving. Snark.
This “tombstone” book cover is missing one word.
It should have read “What Happened? Hillary Rodham Clinton . . . . sucked”
That would have explained the entire election, and saved a lot of trees.
wonderful link –
wish there was a way to include image files into comment
“What The Hell Happened?” makes a better title and more probably reflects the actual language of the campaign during The Night Of Shattered Dreams.
I got beat to it by Twitter.
Let me see if I can condense the entire book in to one sentence. It was everyone elses fault BUT HRC’s?
“In the introduction of the novel, Clinton writes…”
Novel. Well played, Prof. Extremely well played…!!!
The Russians convinced Mook that the midwest didn’t matter.
The vodka that Hillary kept swilling helped too.
I can’t say it becomes her, but by Godfrey I do enjoy seeing her dressed in an orange suit.
My title suggestion: “Whuh Happened???”
How about “WTF Happened?” I was referring to “Winning The Future”. What were YOU thinking?
Subtitle would be “Why aren’t I ahead by 50 points?”
Maybe having her sit in the defendant’s chair while the story is explained in front of a judge will help her understand what happened. It would be a good start. Then 30 days in the electric chair will calm her nerves.
What happened? You lost. And you lost because the voters greatly preferred a conservative lifestyle as opposed to the socialist way of life Obama and you are in favor of.
Naaaaah! That’s not it! Russia! Sexism!
… becoming the first woman nominated for president …
So that’s really all there is to it … she was the “novelty” candidate.
Yeah, that’s historic, all right.
The title would be a thousand percent better (and more apt) if the title was ‘Wha Happen?’
I think I can sum it up in one word!
“Strong woman…” I’m thinking not. What was she without the decrepit Bill or Web Hubbel. How about John Podesta or BHO? Was she strong when the American Ambassador in Tripoli was killed along with 3 others or did she hide and blame something else?
Would being interviewed by Katie Couric or Dan Rather et al be considered showing strength? When Dan asked her how come she was so wonderful, did it take a massive show of strength to answer?
Did she stare down Putin or the Mullahs or anyone else for that matter?
What is strong about her?
Everything she has done has been done by someone else for her.
Please, please, PRETTY PLEASE make this book into a movie!
Starring Kate McKinnon from SNL.
The Russians/Fake news did not cause Hillary to lose the election!
And she did not lose because she was a woman.
The one person that influenced the election was the candidate herself- Hillary.
Did the Russians/Fake News/ Misogyny set up the Clinton foundation?
Did the Russians/Fake News/ Misogyny set up a unauthorized server?
Did the Russians/Fake News/ Misogyny place highly classified material on a unclassified server?
Did the Russians/Fake News/ Misogyny pick a candidate for the democratic party that was under a active criminal FBI investigation?
Did the Russians/Fake News/ Misogyny tell Hillary not to have a decent economic message for the rust belt?
Did the Russians/Fake News/ Misogyny tell Hillary to slime half of the country? Basket of deplorable’s!
Did the Russians/Fake News/ Misogyny force the Clinton campaign to rig the primary against Sanders?
Did the Russians?Fake News/ Misogyny tell the campaign to act like they won the election before they actually did? (arrogant, condescending, we are better than you)
So the left is so traumatized they will say anything or do anything to try to make sense of the loss.
The Russian/Fake News/ Misogyny excuse is just the latest. So once this plays out another excuse will pop up!
Hillary please stop making up phony excuses!
You forgot all her lying and selling the favors of her office for hundreds of million in donations to her slush fund and millions into her pocket for BJ’s speeches.
Lock her up! Lock her up! Trump’s first broken promise.
That, along with Obama and all his cronies, are the sources of many of Trump’s continuing problems.
In all seriousness, this promise is what convinced me to vote for Trump; it would be a stunning reversal of past elitist policy and a resounding triumph for the rule of law.
Alas, it was just another politician’s lie.
Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton Address the Nation
What happened?
Hillary grew up to be an insufferable bitch with no obvious talent or skills or history of success in an earnest and straightforward occupation, and America, after enduring 8 years of her as a President’s wife, said, “HELL NO!”
Hillary who?
Accompanying song track on CD included with every book:
The Daze of Whine and Loses
I heard that Thomas E. Dewey also wrote a memoir entitled “What Happened”, but had the good sense and humility to let it go unpublished.
A much better title would have been—
That would be enough to move the book out of the “fiction” section.
I’m surprised the full title wasn’t, “What Happened (Further Proof of Climate Change)”.
I wonder if Trump would sign a copy for me.
I suspect he will be signing *thousands* of them. 🙂
What happened is our guy won and Obamacare is still in place.
Who’s the dummy in this story?
What difference, at this point, does it make?
Subtitle: “Thank God it happened.”
“What Happened: Or Corruption Takes A Holiday”
Is this some pathetic money-making stunt, and/or, an ego-massaging exercise and a desperate bid to maintain some semblance of relevance in the public consciousness? Or, a cathartic exercise that crone Hillary’s shrink told her to engage in, for therapeutic purposes? I can’t figure it out. Another worthless book that will go straight to the bargain bin, and then, the recycling bin. Weep for the trees slain to produce this unintentional exercise in farce.
This book can go on the shelf next to O.J.’s masterpiece of crime reporting, “(If) I did It.”
Her donors are also interested to know “what happened” with their money!
So there’s a few thousand advance sales, right there.
You can trust this her book about as much as her claims about her private server & email use.
IMO the book should be BleachBitted.
Hillary, judging by look on your face, I’m thinkin’ your shit-fart separator failed.
I’m looking forward to her last book, a prison memoir entitled “I Never Believed This Could Happen!”