Mika: "Hard not to think" Trump might be in on a Russia "scheme"
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Mika: “Hard not to think” Trump might be in on a Russia “scheme”

Mika: “Hard not to think” Trump might be in on a Russia “scheme”

Mika also recycles the Trump/Nazi card


On today’s Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski strongly suggested that President Trump is in cahoots with the Russians, saying “it’s kind of hard not to think that [Trump] might be in on some sort of scheme.”

Earlier, Mika recycled the Trump/Nazi card. She invited Jon Meacham to draw a historical parallel to President Trump. When she asked him “what this is reminiscent of if you had to make a parallel,” Meacham drew the comparison to President Nixon at the end of his tenure. That wasn’t what Mika was looking for, so she tried again: “what is this reminiscent to, even outside of the United States?”

Meacham took the hint: “well, you’re alluding to fabled and terrible totalitarian regimes in Europe in the 1930s, I think . . . and also, even now, regimes like North Korea.”

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Jon Meacham, I’m just curious, what this is reminiscent of, what this could be reminiscent of if you had to make a parallel. A president telling networks to turn off their cameras, a president telling untruths, lies to an audience of supporters that basically treat those lies as applause lines. I’m —

JON MEACHAM: Yeah the best example is President Nixon and even that is a little tricky, no dork pun intended. There was a sense during, really starting in the spring of ’73 forward into the summer of ’74, when President Nixon, it was unclear at some point whether he was lying to us as, lying to himself as well as to us.

MIKA: Right. But can I broaden the question? What is this reminiscent to, even outside of the United States?

MEACHAM: Well, you’re alluding to fabled and terrible totalitarian regimes in Europe in the 1930s, I think . . . and also, even now, regimes like North Korea, where the Dear Leader speaks, and we’re all supposed to —

MIKA: What are the parallels?

MEACHAM: That what the Dear Leader says has to be followed, whether it’s associated with reality or not.

. . .

MIKA: The investigations going on, multiple, pertaining to Russia, if the President doesn’t acknowledge that Russia’s involved, and the President cozies up to Russia, and confirms that he wants to relieve tension, etc., etc., by firing the FBI Director, and if the President is campaigning among his base, it’s kind of hard not to think that he might be in on some sort of scheme. Wouldn’t one have to ask that question in one’s mind?


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she does the best she can with what she’s got…. bless her heart.

i hope that’s a dye j*b, because she gives blondes a bad name.

Mika, given that YOUR FATHER was the foreign born traitor who sold out this country, it’s hard not to believe that YOU’RE the one who’s in on some kind of scheme!!!

Gawd, the irony. These progs keep shrieking about “fascism” while they’re the ones running around in black masks beating their political opponents, burning cars, and attempting to assassinate opposing political leadership. Are they really that fucking stupid?

Sam in Texas | June 22, 2017 at 2:05 pm

1. Let me fix that: Mika Brzezinski strongly suggested that “it’s kind of hard to think.”

2. “MEACHAM: That what the Dear Leader says has to be followed, whether it’s associated with reality or not.” If what you say has any relationship to any objective reality anywhere, instead of being on cable television with Mika, why aren’t you with her in a hellish prison fighting over who gets to eat the sawdust, pine bark, and corpses?

I have no doubt thinking is hard for you.

Wouldn’t one have to ask that question in one’s mind?

Oy, with this twit the jokes just write themselves, don’t they?

Sounds as though Mika finds it hard to think at all.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Merlin. | June 22, 2017 at 2:51 pm

    But she knows how to parrot her masters’ programmed speech perfectly…..

Mika has a mind?

Mika: It’s kind of hard to think.

There… FIFY

Let’s just say that it’s hard for Joe’s bleached blonde bimbo to think at all and leave it at that.

End Obama’s elective (i.e. Choice) wars, elective regime changes, and catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform (e.g. trail of tears)?

Maybe America should pull out and let the Russians, Syrians, etc. clean up Obama’s legacy from Africa to the Middle East to Eastern Europe.

Close The Fed | June 22, 2017 at 4:25 pm

The propaganda line gets old….

Why is she so willing to be a propagandist? What’s in it for her? What a bore.

It remains a puzzle why anyone would bother to appear on this show. Sit around as a prop, while Mika pretends that she has some detectable brain power? What a waste of a day.

last time I looked trolling is not an unconstitutional “scheme”..but calling someone a NAZI is libel/slander

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | June 22, 2017 at 5:03 pm

Methinks the proper spelling of her name must be Mikkka.


nerkbuckeye | June 22, 2017 at 5:51 pm

President Trump didn’t get the memo explaining that GOP Presidents are suppose to suck it up and take it. “How are we going drive your numbers down if you keep defending yourself. Curl up in the corner like the rest of the gutless Republicans.”

I don’t watch the show, but I have a feeling if you watched the show six months ago and watched it today, it would be, to quote Yogi, deja vu all over again

It sees Mika has apparently been sourcing her editorial content from Dilbert