Kellyanne Mocks CNN Obsession: “Russia, Russia”
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Kellyanne Mocks CNN Obsession: “Russia, Russia”

Kellyanne Mocks CNN Obsession: “Russia, Russia”

“Alisyn, I know that we just like to say the word ‘Russia, Russia’ to try to mislead the voters”

Interviewed by Alisyn Camerota on CNN this morning, Kellyanne Conway wanted to discuss the progress that the Trump admin has made on a variety of fronts, from job creation to regulation roll-back to health care.

But Camerota cared about one thing only: Russia, and a just-published Washinton Post report that Putin ordered efforts to hurt Hillary and help Trump. Eventually, Conway had enough:

“Alisyn, I know that we just like to say the word “Russia, Russia” to try to mislead the voters. And I know that CNN is aiding and abetting this nonsense as well.”


Shades of the Brady Bunch!

ALISYN CAMEROTA: But my question for you is, what is the White House, what is President Trump now doing to prevent Russia from doing this again?

KELLYANNE CONWAY: This report is new, and we’ll discuss it with him later. But he’s been very clear, on the record, that he believes in any type of numbers of measures to make sure that democracy flourishes and that voter integrity is intact.

CAMEROTA: Such as?

CONWAY: — he has an entire commission on that.

CAMEROTA: I mean, against Russia. What is he doing specifically to try to stop this?

CONWAY: Alisyn, I know that we just like to say the word “Russia, Russia” to mislead the voters. And I know that CNN is aiding and abetting this nonsense as well. But you’ve asked me the same question three times now —

CAMEROTA: Kellyanne!

CONWAY: — and I’ve answered it.

CAMEROTA: But you’re not answering it, Kellyanne.

CONWAY: Yes I am.

Note: after the interview ended, Conway got into a Twitter exchange on the subject with David Gregory, who was substitute-hosting alongside Camerota.


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I believe it is: Russia, Russia, Russia.

It was just Russia until Obama’s clean wars were exposed in Syria, Ukraine, and ultimately catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform.

    Correct, the “Russia, Russia, Russia” phrase should be used frequently enough to get pounded into the public mind like a good commercial jingle. The response to what Kellyanne did is also three-phase.
    1) The Distract: Repeat the key phrase.
    2) The Deflect: “That’s all the press wants to talk about even though there’s been no evidence at all that the Russians had any kind of illegal influence in the Trump campaign.”
    3) The Follow-Thru: What we’re here to talk about is reality, not press fantasies. (lead onto topics of tax cuts, regulation removal, et al…)

What’s Camerota upset about?

Obama told Putin to “cut it out, there were going to be serious consequences if he did not…“!

What more does she want? Putin has been living in fear, ever since.

Putin is living rent free in CNN’s brain. But who would want that?

inspectorudy | June 23, 2017 at 11:59 am

Living here in the Atlanta area, I was keenly interested in the 6th district House seat race. As I watched the local coverage of it and saw the trend towards Handel, I switched over to cnn to see their take on the race. The AP had just called the race for Handel and the cnn forum did not even mention it again. They had their panel that instead trashed Trump for the rest of that time period. It was incredible! They had been talking bout it nonstop until it was called and then it was like the voting never happened. Their veil of journalism fell off like a cheap Halloween mask.

Well, if you don’t actually ask a real question (and no, “has Trump stopped beating his wife yet” isn’t a real question), you can’t complain when you don’t get an answer.

Just remind them that the whole Russia thing happened on OBAMA’S watch.

See how quickly they change their tune then.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | June 23, 2017 at 4:28 pm

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!!!! Er…I mean…Russia, Russia, Russia!


Can we get someone to do a voice over on that clip so Jan says:
“It’s always Russia, Russia, Russia!”?

kenoshamarge | June 24, 2017 at 9:55 am

Kellyanne is wasting her time trying to infuse this interview with anything except “Russia, Russia, Russia”.

CNN is obsessed with their whole Russia meme to the point of insanity. They seem to believe that trying to place the blame for the Hillary loss on someone, anyone, except her and themselves is a winning message. It isn’t.

Their obsession won’t go away. And if descending into 3rd place hasn’t taught CNN that the viewers might want to hear something besides “Russia, Russia, Russia” they are incapable of learning.