Why is Harvard Law Prof. Larry Tribe spreading conspiracy theories?
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Why is Harvard Law Prof. Larry Tribe spreading conspiracy theories?

Why is Harvard Law Prof. Larry Tribe spreading conspiracy theories?

A reputation is a terrible thing to waste.

Lawrence Tribe, Harvard Law School professor, has sullied his reputation with his Trump Derangement Syndrome, as Buzzfeed documents, Why Is A Top Harvard Law Professor Sharing Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories?:

Democrats and the mainstream media have spent the months since Donald Trump’s election fixated on the the flood of unconfirmed reports, half-truths, and outright propaganda that accompanied his rise.

But some of the country’s leading liberal lights — respected figures including elected officials, prominent legal scholars, members of the media, and celebrities — are themselves sharing wild allegations about the Trump administration from unreliable sources.

Perhaps no one embodies this trend so well as Laurence Tribe. Tribe is one of the country’s foremost constitutional lawyers, the Carl M. Loeb university professor at Harvard Law School. He has argued dozens of cases in front of the Supreme Court. He’s a major figure in American public life, and in recent months Tribe has devoted much of his activity on Twitter to outraged extrapolation about the Trump administration. Often, these take the form of “big if true” tweets that cite unconfirmed reports about Trump’s possible misdeeds and are essentially conjecture.

On April 22, Tribe shared a story from a website called the Palmer Report — a site that has been criticized for spreading hyperbole and false claims — entitled “Report: Trump gave $10 million in Russian money to Jason Chaffetz when he leaked FBI letter,” a reference to the notorious pre-election letter sent by former FBI director James Comey to members of Congress that many have blamed for Hillary Clinton’s November loss.

The “report” the article points to is a since-deleted tweet by a Twitter user named LM Garner, who describes herself in her Twitter biography as “Just a VERY angry citizen on Twitter. Opinions are my own. Sometimes prone to crazy assertions. Not a fan of this nepotistic kleptocracy.” Garner, who has 257 followers, has tweeted more than 25,000 times from her protected account.

“I don’t know whether this is true,” Tribe’s tweet reads, “But key details have been corroborated and none, to my knowledge, have been refuted. If true, it’s huge.”

Reached by email, Tribe said that he was aware of the Palmer Report’s “generally liberal slant” and “that some people regard a number of its stories as unreliable.” Still, he added, “When I share any story on Twitter, typically with accompanying content of my own that says something like ‘If X is true, then Y,’ I do so because a particular story seems to be potentially interesting, not with the implication that I’ve independently checked its accuracy or that I vouch for everything it asserts.”

One of the great untold stories is how many liberals have damaged themselves in the desire to get Trump.

If Trump doesn’t go to jail, like so many of the liberal conspiracy theorists are predicting, there will be a price to pay for their delusions, and that price will be their reputations.


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sadly, the under-reported “story” from the WHO (the band, of course), that the cure for this dis-ease has yet to be found by bill nye-the-no-science guy…

Walker Evans | May 14, 2017 at 4:23 pm

“When I share any story on Twitter, typically with accompanying content of my own that says something like ‘If X is true, then Y,’ I do so because a particular story seems to be potentially interesting, not with the implication that I’ve independently checked its accuracy or that I vouch for everything it asserts.”

Potentially interesting. I’ll have to remember that weasel-wording should I post something that is, in essence, no more than a totally unsubstantiated rumor.

Gremlin1974 | May 14, 2017 at 7:20 pm

Larry Tribe lost his bacon years ago.

“If Trump doesn’t go to jail, like so many of the liberal conspiracy theorists are predicting, there will be a price to pay for their delusions, and that price will be their reputations.”

No, it won’t. Liberals will simply claim more of what they’ve been claiming all along: that Trump is conspiring to cover up the truth, and that anyone who has made accusations against him and/or his administration have proven to be unfounded because of the aforementioned non-existent cover up. They believe innuendo and rumor to be indistinguishable from facts, so they will collectively claim that their worst fears have been proven true by not having any of their worst fears proven true.

In TribeWorld, the lack of evidence for a conspiracy is all the more reason to believe one exists.

Loss of reputation is of no consequence to the left. As they lack virtues, values, honesty and integrity, the end justifies the means. This is in keeping with the moral double standard of the left. Think the Kennedys and pants-down Clinton. They remain heroes. But God help anyone who isn’t in league with the leftists for any indiscretions. This of course, includes how they vote, and their lack of ardent support for homosexuality and peoples of colored.