“Good Leak”: Chris Matthews Invites IRS to Reveal Trump Audit Status
Disclosing a taxpayer’s return information is a felony, Chris.
Chris Matthews has invited liberals at the IRS to leak the audit status of President Trump’s tax return. On this evening’s Hardball, Matthews said: “we know there’s no audit [of Trump.] Can’t the IRS just make a statement, he’s not under audit? Just make the announcement. By the way, that would be a good leak. Somebody at the IRS just leaking. I thought they were all liberals over there. Why doesn’t somebody just leak it?”
Pursuant to 26 US Code Sec. 7213, disclosing an individual’s return information is “a felony punishable upon conviction by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both.”
When Howard Fineman suggested that IRS people haven’t leaked because “they might actually believe in the ethics of their job,” Matthews laughed it off: “they’re listening, Howard. And they’re so taken with you.” So to Matthews, obeying the law is apparently a joke, to be blithely disregarded when it comes to attacking a Republican president.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: We know there’s no audit. Can’t the IRS — can’t the IRS just make a statement: he’s not under audit? Just make the announcement. By the way, that would be a good leak. Somebody from the IRS just leaking.
HOWARD FINEMAN: People have been inviting the IRS people to do that for months now. And to their credit so far they haven’t.
MATTHEWS: I thought they were all liberals over there. Why doesn’t somebody leak it?
FINEMAN: They might actually believe in the ethics of their job.
MATTHEWS: They’re listening, Howard. And they’re so taken with you.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
1 – If there was something really juicy and damaging in the Trump tax returns, it would have been leaked already.
2 – See 1.
Career politicians investments are going to be picked specifically for to facilitate their careers. That is not the case for people who actively own and run businesses. In their case, tax returns would be very useful to assault them or their business interests. As a business owner, I would not want to allow competitors or adversaries have that information.
Matthews is such a moooo-ron that he thinks it’s OK to wear button-down collars with a suit.
I think he looks just FABULOUS. But then, I always judge men by their sense of fashion.
Wait! What?? No button down collars with a suit??. Man, it’s been a long time since I’ve had to don a suit. Out of that loop I guess.
What’s the punishment for inciting federal employees (or any group) to commit a felony? And what’s the punishment for doing so via mass media?
Keep going, Chrissy Boy. Your headlights are busted and the cliff’s only a hundred yards away.
This is me, throwing a big, red BS flag at this non-issue.
I already saw the Obama campaign attack John McCain, alleging ineligibility for being born outside the US, and demanding his citizenship papers, which McCain promptly supplied. Then I saw the Obama campaign supply a poorly-constructed fake birth certificate when the issue was turned on him. He still got elected.
So no. There is no paper that Trump has to disclose. Democrats only care about these things as a means to harass Republicans. They just want to try to upset Republicans.
Now, if miss Chrissy wants to politely ask the IRS to finish its audit, fine.
I concur with your Big Red Flag and moreso, think this issue tells us a lot about the desperate weakness of the leftist’s position right now.
What have they been doing non-stop for the last 120 days? Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump colluded with Russia! Over and over and over, and suddenly, they’re waking up to the reality that that storyline is dead, and there’s nothing they can do to bring it back.
So what do they go back? This tax return story, which if you remember was what they were pushing last September-October, thinking it would be a Big Deal. Well, it wasn’t – it was a big dud then, why expect anything different now? And nobody is taking these protests seriously since they’ve been protesting non-stop since November 9 with no effect, so what?
What this tells us is that they got nothin’ – their big fallback plan was to go back to the plans that already failed. As Trump himself would say, Sad!!!
If Trump released his returns, and there were no bad things, then the eMSM would immediately cease saying anything.
Tingles would apologize on-air. There would be no media rush to twist every entry in his filings to make him look dishonest, crooked and evil. This just wouldn’t happen.
They are real news you can trust!
Rags. When did they make that rule? Does it apply to navy blazers? I have a navy blazer with khaki pants about 3 or 4 times a year. But then I don’t work in front of a camera. I’m well aware that in the morning I put clothes on, I don’t really get dressed. I know the difference.
Button-down collars are intended to be worn with sport cloths, including blazers.
It’s no a cardinal sin. Along the lines of wearing brown shoes with a blue suit. There’s a George Gobel joke in there.
Button-down collars are intended to be worn with sport cloths, including blazers.
It’s not a cardinal sin. Along the lines of wearing brown shoes with a blue suit. There’s a George Gobel joke in there.
Chrissie needs to stop sleeping with Maxine Waters. The stupid is catching.
She IS getting worse, isn’t she?
The stupidity comes with the syphilis and chlamydia at no extra charge.
No. Even Maxine Waters has higher standards than that.
Probably not much higher but I wouldn’t slander even her with Chris Matthews.
Isn’t soliciting a felony a crime?
I hate to mention this, but urging someone to commit a fellony is called conspiracy and is itself a fellony. Chrissypoo needs to be careful that he doesn’t end up in jail. Oh, wait. These fools are exempt from the laws that normal people have to obey, aren’t they.
To answer your question… (These fools are exempt from the laws that normal people have to obey, aren’t they.)…click here.
inviting to Felony is also a Felony
It’s only a felony when Republicans do it. When Democrats make a demand like this, then there is an exception allowing it to be legal according to the MSM.
that would be a good leak. Somebody at the IRS just leaking. I thought they were all liberals over there. Why doesn’t somebody just leak it?
Good point, actually. Why haven’t they?
I tend to agree with Tingles … moral rectitude and the law aren’t going to be an obstacle to the liberals or the ‘Rats. They’re there, they’re snooping, and they’re hot to leak something – if not in person, then through Wikileaks.
But … the plain fact that nothing has been leaked implies that nobody, not even a denizen of the liberal fever-swamp, has found anything worth leaking.
In other words, they’ve inadvertently told us that they haven’t found anything juicy, or even mildly interesting. And Trump is squeaky-clean.
So … why doesn’t Trump release his taxes as demanded, if they’re safe?
Maybe he will, after the ‘Rats have built up a yuge bubble of expectation. Trump could do to Matthews et al what has already happened to Madcow. That would be typical Trump, actually; leave a couple of petards lying around, and wait for Tingles to pick one up and hoist himself on it at his leisure.
I wonder if Tingles would be so smug if it were his tax returns to be leaked!
Sorry Chris but Lois Lerner is gone and shortly should go to jail where she belongs. The other liberal twits will get this message and consequently there will be no takers on your illegal offer.
Liberalism is: corruption until collapse, followed by military dictatorship.
Is there any chance, and I might be spitballing here, that T is telling the truth?
Since when has breaking the law mattered to progressive democrats?
A good felony.
No act in pursuit of a Leftist dictatorship is illegal, according to both the Democrats and the MSM subset of Leftists.
“So to Matthews, obeying the law is apparently a joke, to be blithely disregarded when it comes to attacking a Republican president.”
Well, yes that’s exactly what the law is to all and sundry Democrats. Where have you been the last 16 years?