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Classes Cancelled in Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools For Women’s March Strike

Classes Cancelled in Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools For Women’s March Strike

. . . because the teachers won’t show up

The prof has written about the March 8th “women’s strike” being organized by the “women’s march” and featuring convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh as one of its organizers.

Apparently inspired by the “day without immigrants” strike that no one noticed, this latest anti-Trump effort is being picked up by at least one school district in North Carolina’s Chapel Hill area, a leftist enclave.

WRAL reports:

Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools have announced that classes will be canceled for students on March 8 because of an expected high rate of teacher absences due to a planned national demonstration.

The strike, dubbed “A Day Without a Woman” by organizers, coincides with International Women’s Day. According to the Women’s March Website, women are encouraged to take the day off work, exclusively shop at “small, women and minority owned businesses,” and wear red in solidarity.

. . . .  District officials said that principals and other supervisors have reported that they expect many teachers to be absent Wednesday as part of the national demonstration to emphasize the role of women in national life.

The expected absences would make it difficult to teach students and provide essential services, including transportation and food service, district leaders said.

“Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools values and supports its female employees. However, the decision to close schools is not an endorsement of the planned demonstration. The decision is made solely to avoid operating school on a day when there are insufficient staff to provide instruction and basic school services,” district spokesman Jeff Nash said in a statement.


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“Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools values and supports its female employees… ”

I would value and support the ones who actually show up for work. Remember the ATC and Reagan?