Those Behind Women’s March Plan a Strike
Sandwiches for lunch?
Uh oh. The womyns are still mad…..about something. The group that launched the Women’s March after President Donald Trump’s inauguration have now planned a strike over….something. I keep saying something because again I have no freaking idea why they are so ticked off.
The will of the people will stand.
— Women's March (@womensmarch) February 6, 2017
Oh yeah. They want abortion on demand and for us to pay for their birth control.
I totes cannot wait to find out all the details!
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What if they went on strike and nobody noticed? I kinda’ think that most of these women don’t have mates anyway…”partners”, probably.
The partner would be on srike a well.
So I have to make the bed? BFD. I’ll straighten out the bedclothes before I go to sleep.
This must be why they don’t get paid as much as men.
The womyns are still mad…..about something
Right … business as usual.
So where does the “strike” enter into it? And how will we know? Are they wearing goofy hats again, or what?
What the hell are they going to do? Stop going to teach their Women’s Studies courses and making lattes at Starbucks? We’ll feel that wrath . . . never.
I guess a lot of hungry men will have to do without sandwiches for a day
Sounds like my life after the divorce – peaceful!
I can make my own damn sandwich.