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GOP Sen. Tim Scott Reads Hate Mail He Received for Supporting Jeff Sessions

GOP Sen. Tim Scott Reads Hate Mail He Received for Supporting Jeff Sessions

“If you sign up to be a black conservative, the chances are very high you will be attacked”

While Sen. Warren is wearing out her victim card, Sen. Tim Scott used his time on the Senate floor to read hate mail he received since voicing his support for newly minted AG Sessions.

“If you sign up to be a black conservative, the chances are very high you will be attacked,” said Sen. Scott.

“It comes with the territory, and I’ve had it for 20 years, two decades, but my friends and my staff, they’re not used to the level of animus that comes in from the liberal left that suggests that I somehow am not helpful to the cause of liberal America and therefore, I am not helpful to black America.”

A sampling:

“Senator Uncle Tim Scott, Everyone in South Glen who happens to be a left-winger knows that Tim Scott is an Uncle Tom.”

“A white man in a black body, Tim Scott backs Jeff Sessions for Attorney General.”

“You are a disgrace to the black race.”

“How does a black man turn on his own?”

“He’s a house negro.”

Scott pointed out that of all hundred Senators, he has one of the only African American Chiefs of Staff. The only other also works for a Republican. His CoS was not immune from hateful attacks and was called a “high yellow”

Scott omitted letters that used the “n” word, as he felt it inappropriate content for the Senate floor.

So much racism by people complaining about racism.

[h/t Daily Caller]

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“If you sign up to be a black conservative, the chances are very high you will be attacked,” said Sen. Scott.

Sadly that’s always been true of any member of the “Victim Plantation” who steps over the fence.

Nowadays, it’s also true of any conservative.

    Walker Evans in reply to Ragspierre. | February 9, 2017 at 3:55 pm

    Based on the down-vote of your eminently reasonable post, it appears we have another progressive troll lurking about. Note the person who gave you the thumbs-down didn’t bother to actually respond because, you know, words are hard.

LibraryGryffon | February 9, 2017 at 1:55 pm

Female conservatives aren’t treated much better. We’re traitors to our sex if we don’t vote for someone simply because they have a uterus. We’re also expected to vote based solely on “our lady parts”. God forbid we have opinions based on economic, political, or other social factors.

For a party which claims that the other side only views women as baby factories, they sure do seem to think that we only exist as baby factories who want to be non-functional.

For the most glaring example of the left’s hatred for people of color that do not toe the line is Clarance Thomas. They did indeed perform a “high Tech” lynching on him. They being all Demorats. Any black or female who differs from the left’s propaganda is both publicly and privately excoriated. The males are just lied about publicly and like Jeff Sessions besmirched by lesser men. Like one anchor on cnn asked a prominent Demorat to name one event/speaker that was shut down by violent protest. Hell, for that matter even a peaceful protest. He went silent.

    inspectorudy: Like one anchor on cnn asked a prominent Demorat to name one event/speaker that was shut down by violent protest. Hell, for that matter even a peaceful protest.

    Town halls gone wild: Within an hour of the disruption, police were called in to escort the 59-year-old Democrat — who has held more than 100 town hall meetings since he was elected in 2002 — to his car safely.

    Town hall meeting on health care turns ugly: At one point, an event organizer told the crowd, “If pushing and shoving continues, we will have to clear the room. The police will make the decision if it is still safe.”

    Gremlin1974 in reply to inspectorudy. | February 9, 2017 at 4:59 pm

    They are still pulling the same thing on him. HBO just made a movie about the whole thing just last year. I mean talk about beating a dead horse.

Welcome to the club, Tim.

This is a defining moment for you. Let’s see if you man-up, or you cut and run. (If the former, call Trump’s office for advice; if the latter, call latter, ask Paul Boehner’s.)

    I think he made it clear that he has endured attacks throughout his time in the Senate. It’s just that the attacks for his support of Jeff Sessions have been copious, hypocritical, and exceptionally mean-spirited.

Is it funny to anyone else that its the left that cares that this man is black and the right is like, we don’t care we agree with what he stands for and does.

Just more proof that its the left who are the real racists.

Since when have democrats really changed since we took their slaves away from them?
Changed the wording a bit and broadened the plantation.